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Macropsia? Things feeling larger than they are??

Fri, 09/14/2007 - 10:01
Hello all, I am wondering if any of you have had this experience with your simple partials. Does anyone ever have a seizure when some part of your body, say your hands or fingers, feel extremely large? I've had many of these and my neuro has told me that this is called macropsia. I've looked this term up but all I can find references vision appearing larger than things really are, not things feeling larger than they really are. Has anyone heard of this of this or have experience with this? I'd love to hear your stories as so far I'm the only person I know with this little oddity!! Thanks! Beth


Re: Re: Re: Macropsia? Things feeling larger than they are??

Submitted by elizleigh on Mon, 2007-09-17 - 12:58
Well you definetely aren't weird! I know I felt like I was nuts for so long until I finally expressed some of my insane physical/mental feelings to my neuro and he actually had an explanation for them. Made me feel so much better to know that I wasn't loosing my mind. :-) It sucks when you try to explain crazy things like this to "normal" people and they just look at you like you are nuts because there is just no way for them to understand what you are feeling!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Macropsia? Things feeling larger than they are?

Submitted by wichitarick1 on Mon, 2007-09-17 - 16:34
hi Man I learn something ever time I read here. darn ... Not quite like as said here with the fingers and hands but I have permanent ??? what I call distortion If I get off an elevator or wake up or????????? my whole veiw is larger and about 15degrees to the left I look at the ground while walking now or I will walk at an angle . what a trip. It,s not the crazy people you worry,s the ones that don,t know it... R.C. Rick

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