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Macropsia? Things feeling larger than they are??

Fri, 09/14/2007 - 10:01
Hello all, I am wondering if any of you have had this experience with your simple partials. Does anyone ever have a seizure when some part of your body, say your hands or fingers, feel extremely large? I've had many of these and my neuro has told me that this is called macropsia. I've looked this term up but all I can find references vision appearing larger than things really are, not things feeling larger than they really are. Has anyone heard of this of this or have experience with this? I'd love to hear your stories as so far I'm the only person I know with this little oddity!! Thanks! Beth


OMG! So good to learn I'm not

Submitted by Amelie on Wed, 2020-02-12 - 15:18
OMG! So good to learn I'm not the only one experiencing this weird and horryfying thing! I rememer it first happening to me when I was 7, had a flu and woke up in the middle of the night with fever and running to my mum crying and not knowing how to describe it... Although back then first I felt like I was expending and everything around me was getting tiny and right after I was shrinking and everything around me was huge. It was all taken as a bad dream because of the fever and never happened again until today... I'm 28 and freaked out when I was lyding on the sofa with my laptop when it started happening. It didn't last long as I sat up straight trying to calm myslef fever this time though. There was no visuals just this horrid feeling like my hand and my jaw were expanding and this little thingling feeling. What the heck is going on? I am  experiencing some stress atm but it that related and is that some kind of warning from he body? 

Good explanation of this so

Submitted by Amelie on Wed, 2020-02-12 - 15:59
Good explanation of this so-called Alice in Wonderland Syndrome:

I just now felt it again for

Submitted by Patwood90 on Fri, 2020-02-28 - 22:45
I just now felt it again for the first time in years. This is the first time I've googled it. It feels like my hands, head, and tongue are incredibly fart and short. It feels like I shouldn't be able to speak or use my hands, but I can. I very vaguely have the image in my head of a plastic or rubber toy of a very round hippo head struck on the end of a toothpick. That always accompanies the sensation.It all usually goes away if I open my eyes or look at my hands or interact with something, but just now I picked up my phone and it felt rediculously thin and small. I remember feeling it a few times as a kid and only two or three times as a teen/adult. Fewer that term times in my life.As a kid I also had a weird experience in a half awake state soon after having a fever where I was trying to quantify infinity. My mind was trying to come up with a bigger and bigger number but couldn't and it was freaking me out. I got up and splashed water in my face but it didn't do anything. I just had to wait until it went away.There were also times as a kid I felt like there was an oppressive silence that was about to burst into aggressive noise at any second and the anxiety was maddening. But they're wasn't anything I could do about it.I only mention the other two experiences because they felt weirdly similar. Different "symptoms", but the overall effect and sensation/mental state was freakishly similar.

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