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Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - Simple partial Seizures

Mon, 06/05/2006 - 05:40
Hi, I'm new to this, my son (10years old) was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy last week, i believe he has simple partial seizures although the doctor did not go into this. For the past year or so he has experienced episodes of de ja vu, at first we thought that was all they were, after he has theses episodes he has a really bad headache, feel sick, sometimes goes clammy and feels quite tired. The last couple of times he had it he also heard voices, which was really scary for him, the episodes of de ja vu and voice hearing usually only last about 2 mins. Sorry if I'm rambling on a bit, but I feel in such a daze about it all, my son is an above average intelligent boy and I feel like we've gone from just thinking he's having de ja vu, which most people I know get every so often, to epilepsy. The diagnosis was confirmed by a 3rd EEG, but the doctor doesn't seem to be able to answer any of my questions and I reall feel like we're walking blind. If anybody out there can help answer these questions I'd be so grateful, firstly I asked the doctor what the chances are of the seizures developing into full blown fits, she said she didn't know, I asked if he might grow out of them, she said she didn't know. Basicallly she said they will either stay the same, get better or get worse, which to me is pretty obvious! She left it up to me whether or not we started treatment, and so far we haven't, but if I start treatment now while they're not so bad will that prevent them getting any worse? Or if they're going to get worse will that happen anyway regardless of whether we start treatment now or later? If anyone can help I'd be so grateful, right now I don't know whether I'm coming or going. Thanks Lisa


Re: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - Simple partial Seizures

Submitted by lwblanks on Mon, 2007-04-30 - 13:48
hi Lisa, I started having partial seizures when I was an adolescent. it was a lot of deja vu, daydreaming, losing track of where I was, etc. my parents decided against treatment. unfortunately, the results of this decision were that at 27 I had a grad mal seizure during which I fractured my skull. it was a long road back to normalcy. I am under control now (9 years later) and have been for about 8 of those years. None of these experiences have effected my intelligence ( I became a doctor). I do wish, however, that my parents had decided to treat my epilepsy at an early age so that maybe I could have avoided the grand mal. even just the chance to have avoided it would have been worth it, because the injury caused by the seizure resulted in an almost total loss of memory of my only child as a baby. I would encourage you to treat your son. he needs to know how to manage his epilepsy. this can make his life much better. repeated episodes of deja vu may not seem very significant or bad, but trust me, they are. it is very draining. and there is no need for him to have to go through this period of his life with all that added pressure. I have learned to look at it not as a burden, but a reason to be thankful that medicine has advanced far enough to help me with my condition. hope my story helps. good luck to you and your son.

Re: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - Simple partial Seizures

Submitted by MommyofLeo on Fri, 2007-05-11 - 14:44
Hi Lisa, My 11month old son was recently dx. with Complex-Partial Epilepsy. The way the neurologist explained it to me was that "Seizures beget Seizures"---they said the brain is a learning organ and the medicine is essentially designed to teach the brain to not keep having seizures. In otherwords, no treatment=more seizures. I don't know if that's true for every type of not but it would be worth asking about. I personally was very hesitant to give my baby any medication but "Seizures beget Seizures" spoke volumes to me. Good Luck!

Re: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - Simple partial Seizures

Submitted by melissaky on Wed, 2007-07-18 - 14:59
Just wanted to give you guys a little insight on my own personal experience. I am 22 years old. I was just diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy, and simple partial seizures. Basically, I had one episode where my vision kind of went. What I mean by that was flashing lights so badly in my vision, that I couldn't make out anything around me. This had happened to me before... .however, I always thought it was migraines. On this particular day it was a lot worse than usual. As this was going on I started to hear voices. And then I started seeing people from my past. It was the most awful thing that I have ever been through. I cried for hours after the episode. After this I began having panic attacks. The panic attacks started off like once every two weeks. Then once a week, and after a few months they were daily. I was panicking because nothing around me felt real. I felt like I was in a dream state, I felt foggy, out of my body. These are the most awful experiences. They are scary, and they completely diminished my qualilty of life. After having an EEG and confirmed results, I started Lamictal. I am only taking 100mg a day; but I am now not having episodes daily. I still have a few a month; but I don't have my dose right. I think it is important to put your kids on medicine, if they have been diagnosed with seizures. Only because I waitied, and it got to the point, where I was having them everyday and crying for hours. They do get worse, when not treated. It is important to stop them before they get too bad. I didn't have any problems with Lamictal. No bad side effects; nothing. I had a few headaches, but its better than walking through life like your a zombie. Any more questions on simple partial seizures feel free to email me.

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