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Mon, 06/13/2005 - 22:26

Hi, just wondering if anyone has taken Tegretol?I was put on it about 2wks.ago for my seizures,but it does not seem to be helping.Has anyone else had this problem?  Thanx, maggie


RE: Tegretol

Submitted by TomII20 on Wed, 2005-06-15 - 20:49
My name is TomIIWatkins. I have been on all 24 medications that there is around. I have been having seizures since 5/78. I had taken Tegretol from August 1996 to August 1997. After my seizures pattens change. I still have all type of the seizures. Since March 2005 my seizures started lasting 30 seconds to 3 minutes and having to 6 to 60 a month.

RE: Tegretol

Submitted by cricket2674 on Thu, 2005-06-16 - 15:39
Tegretol made me sick as a dog and didn't have any impact on controlling my seizures. I've been on 8 different medication combinations over the past 2 and a half years and haven't found the right combination yet. I might not find one, so lately I've been trying to create having it be ok if I don't find the right one. There are many worse things to have than seizures.

RE: RE: Tegretol

Submitted by maggie on Thu, 2005-06-16 - 19:44
cricket,thanks for your reply about Tegretol.I know that there are many other meds. that the doc can try and he may just have to do just that.I'm sorry you've had no luck with meds.There are worse things than having seizures,but this new to me and my family so it concerns us very much,especially when I fall that I don't hit my head.I only wish that I could say that if I didn't find the right meds.then I have to make it be ok.Good luck,Maggie

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