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Andrews/Reiter Institute

Sun, 03/29/2009 - 16:16
I stumbled across this website for the Andrews/Reiter Institute in California, where they claim an amazing success rate for stopping seizures without drugs. It almost sounds to good to be true, and I can't find anyone who has any experience with them. It seems like with a success rate that high they would be front page news in the world of Epilepsy, but none of the Dr.s , nurses, or other people in our support group has ever heard of them. If anyone reading this has any experience with them, please respond. There are alot of us out here that are extremely interested. Thanks for your help.


Re: Andrews/Reiter Institute

Submitted by Xandra on Sat, 2010-03-20 - 16:33

Sounds like you are doing the right thing. I have nothing but praise for Donna Andrews. Where can one find a PHd who had seizures herself? And who, out of her passion, set up a non-profit to help others overcome a seizure disorder, just like she did? She is an amazing woman and a pioneer in the field. I hope that one day the standard approach for epilepsy is what she is teaching!

I wonder if the doctors who dismiss her work have a heart for epilepsy patients, maybe they just want to give a pill or do an operation and be done with it?

What she is offering is priceless, as it gives seizure patients their life back and put them back in control. I hope you wil go with Donna, for the sake of your daughter.


Sounds like you are doing the right thing. I have nothing but praise for Donna Andrews. Where can one find a PHd who had seizures herself? And who, out of her passion, set up a non-profit to help others overcome a seizure disorder, just like she did? She is an amazing woman and a pioneer in the field. I hope that one day the standard approach for epilepsy is what she is teaching!

I wonder if the doctors who dismiss her work have a heart for epilepsy patients, maybe they just want to give a pill or do an operation and be done with it?

What she is offering is priceless, as it gives seizure patients their life back and put them back in control. I hope you wil go with Donna, for the sake of your daughter.


Re: Andrews/Reiter Institute

Submitted by Calla on Mon, 2010-11-01 - 21:02
Xandra, I spoke with Donna Andrews a couple of months ago and have read most of her book. I would like to speak with you regarding your experience with this program. Please email me at Calla66133 at Thank you, Suzanne

Re: Andrews/Reiter Institute

Submitted by matvey on Sat, 2010-07-03 - 17:35

I am getting to know Donna Andrews, and I am finding out that she has some very good practical knowledge. With all due respect to my daughter's specialists, all that they have done for me is confirm my fears and hand me a prescription. Donna, on the other hand, has been giving me practical advice about how to help my daughter.

The sad thing is that Donna's work is not yet recognized as medicine, so it is not a part of any health insurance program, and it is not available to very many people. May God grant the medical community the courage and humility it needs to turn to Donna and other successful therapists for help.

I am getting to know Donna Andrews, and I am finding out that she has some very good practical knowledge. With all due respect to my daughter's specialists, all that they have done for me is confirm my fears and hand me a prescription. Donna, on the other hand, has been giving me practical advice about how to help my daughter.

The sad thing is that Donna's work is not yet recognized as medicine, so it is not a part of any health insurance program, and it is not available to very many people. May God grant the medical community the courage and humility it needs to turn to Donna and other successful therapists for help.

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