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epilepsy and MDMA

Fri, 04/14/2017 - 01:15
Hi, I'm 20 years old. So for the past year or so I think I have been having petit mal seizures and didn't realize it. My grandfather developed epilepsy when he was 50 so I am assuming I got it from him. Recently I have been going to concerts and taking MDMA. the last concert I went to I had my first Grand Mal a week later. The EMTs were unsure if I had multiple Grand Mal seizures or if I had one continuous one. 2 weeks later I had an eeg done where they diagnosed me with generalized epilepsy and put me on 500mg of keppra (2 pills twice a day). I am going to another concert tomorrow and I want to roll again it's been over a month since I have last rolled, about a month since the grand mal and about 3 weeks since my last petit mal seizure ( when this happened I wasn't diagnosed and refused to believe I could be epileptic so I wasn't taking any meds). What do you think? is it safe to roll?


It's funny I stumbled upon

Submitted by Nikkiann516 on Fri, 2017-04-14 - 15:55
It's funny I stumbled upon this because I think my MDMA usage brought on me starting to have seizures. I think you're better off giving up he rolls :/ I have given up mine since last festival season and I'm headed to shaky beats in Atlanta In two weeks and can't do a damn thing. Learn to love the music like you love on your rolls, it's tough but worth it for your health in the long run

Concerts and music is fine

Submitted by just_joe on Sat, 2017-04-15 - 10:10
Concerts and music is fine but google or bing MDMA and you will se a drug also. GO DO have a blast and listen to the music. But the drugs is not what you need. I went to all kinds of places and saw groups playing and singing. Back then it was the Hippie era so drugs were out and I had to think do I want the drugs and what they can do for a day? Or do I want to stay seizure free which I have done for a few months? Most recreational drugs can and have countered seizure medications. In other words effected the way the medications works and has cause status epilepticus (one seizure after another until you get to a hospital). You see I wasn't using drugs but I do know what can happen I was in status and had 40 convulsive seizures an hour for over 8 hours before I got to the hospital. I got out of the hospital about a month later.

That's a tough one. I've

Submitted by Roald on Sat, 2017-04-15 - 17:14
That's a tough one. I've heard of MDMA causing problems with seizures and Rx's but I've also heard of it having potentially beneficial effects and some people using it to treat depression and seizures among others though I have nothing but anecdotal evidence/stories of that. It's different for everyone and something that might help one person could harm another. My main concern would be with the quality of the drug, who made it, is it contaminated with something, cut with something, clean, pure, the actual drug it's being called or sold as etc? That is the main issue with street drugs in general and the reason why the medical cannabis industry is growing because people may not grow it organically or use chemicals, get old, moldy, etc and although it is just a plant it may not be grown and handled properly so people go to medical cannabis clinics and pay extra to get that guaranteed quality or grow it themselves for that reason. I'm going to see an electronic music show tonight (Richie Hawtin) and was contemplating some of your same questions. Mainly what to do for "recreation?" Though I am using cannabis with some relief to my back injury and seizure pain, I have become pretty used to it so it isn't a recreational high at all and I am basically immune to those effects. That said, I am questioning whether or not to have 1 drink or not (not supposed to drink with Vimpat) or maybe 1/2 a drink? I am taking my rescue drugs valium and Clonazepam along in case I need them for a seizure onset in case the lights or situation of dancing late etc triggers my back pain and seizures but I don't consider either of them recreational at all either but quite the opposite. I've decided the music is more important and even if I have to leave after 30 min I'm getting my moneys worth since I at least tried to go... and didn't just give up this opportunity and not even try to go like many of the other fun things I've had to give up on: scuba diving, driving, work, income, most recreational activities, time with friends, gardening, etc. We are often told what we can or can't do and basically end up living like we are under house arrest. I'd go and try and do the things you enjoy but we sometimes need to find new ways to have fun especially involving anything that crosses the blood brain barrier. I would have liked to be banging my head into a speaker, drinking, smoking, and looking for a party but I might have to be chilling more towards the back, drinking juice, and being very aware of how my head feels in case I need to take an anti-conlvulsant.and leave at short notice. One person could carefully make MDMA that could cure medical problems, while another could crudely make MDMA that gives you a heart attack, stroke, or poison you. Good luck and hope you continue to have fun out there.

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