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worried mom

Thu, 01/24/2019 - 21:08
Hello, I'm new to this site. But desperately need some advice from someone who understands what in going through. My 14 year old son was just diagnosed with Epilepsy. He had his 2nd seizure this past Sunday. His first seizure was 2 years ago. Both times he had the seizure, he was playing video games and happened around the same time( almost midnight). The doctor suspected sleep deprivation could be the cause but not the video games. I suspect it's both. But his EEG and MRI came back normal 2 years ago. He will be getting those test again soon. I'm so depressed and worried each day that passes. Then the doctor also wants my son to start meds, and I'm not happy about that. Either way there is no guarantees of him never getting another seizure with or without the meds. I haven't picked up the medicine up from the pharmacy yet. I'm so scared if side effects. My son is a straight A student. I'm so worried that if he starts getting hooked on meds, he will start having problems at school. The medicine he wants my son to take is called Trileptal. Please provide any thoughts, experience or suggestions. I feel so.lost right now.


We are in a similar boat. Our

Submitted by natdc55 on Thu, 2019-03-28 - 14:00
We are in a similar boat. Our 12 yr old son was diagnosed with absence in August last year.  He missed his meds one month later and had a tonic-clonic.  Now, he has had 3 unexpnained tonic-clonic seizures this month, 10-14 days apart.  It is terrifying, stressful, sad, frustrating. We thought his trigger was lights, but now they are coming at the dinner table.  He is on Lamictal.  We just recently increased his dose after the previous 2 seizures so obviously the meds are working anymore.  This is going to be a long road.  For 1 month I have been by his side for fear of him having a seizure alone.  It’s a hard road and I had no idea it was so common. Hang in there! 

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