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speech therapy

Sun, 08/06/2006 - 07:13
What is involved in speech therapy?I saw a pediatrician who recommended that i take my son for a speech therapy.He is three and can hardly construct a sentence and his single wording one cant actually get what he is saying or what he wants. Sometimes when he cant express himself he slaps somebody especially kids.Has anyone tried this and how effective is it to the child? I'd like to give it atry but first can i get an opinion from someone with the same experience? I'd really appreciate it coz this would prepare me in advance. Thanx


Re: Re: speech therapy

Submitted by fortune on Wed, 2006-08-09 - 00:55
FWK Thanx alot for ur advice i think il give it a try immediately. the problem with our region there is very little exposure on this advanced technology and if its available its costly but i beleive threeis nothing more important than a childs future. So il Take ur advice and do some research.Wish u all the best.

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