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New thing happening....need help???

Mon, 09/11/2006 - 11:26
HI!! I have posted on this site with great responses so I hope that this time I can get some good help. This last week Emily Klair has been doing something she has never done with a seizure before..could it be a new type of seizure or is she coming out of it and is just scared??? She will have her normal seizure ( that is weird normal and seizure in the same sentencelol) then when she is asleep she will scream out like she is in pain, and she will toss and turn her body every which way...then it is like she is asleep again and about 2 seconds later it starts all over again. I did not know if with some seizures people can scream and cry or not??? It is new and has happened about 4x's thisweek and it always seems to happen after a seizure and after she has fallen asleep. I would love to hear from amyone who has any info to give me. Emily Klair's mom...Kari


Re: Re: New thing happening....need help???

Submitted by EKlairsmom on Mon, 2006-09-11 - 19:16
Thank-you all for the comments and help we are not forsure exactly what is happening with her. The Dr. just ordered her some medicine to be givin in the morning and at night for three days to let her body rest..I think that it is some type of valum..I have not looked it up yet. All we have ever seen her have is the absence and drop seizures but we are thinking that this is more along the tonic clonic because of the jerking and moving about she never use to do that. Can seizures change like that? The last test she had they said she had generilized seizure activity and more spikes on the right then the left but they saw spikes and activity on both sides..I do not know sometimes it is like they are speaking greek to me. Thank-you again and I hope you all are doing well. If you think of anything else or know a good place for me to look stuff up just let me know. Kari

Re: Re: Re: New thing happening....need help???

Submitted by DJsMom on Mon, 2006-09-11 - 21:07
Hi My son is almost 8 & his seizures started when he was 20 months. He has never had the grand mal, tonic/clonic type, but has had just about everything else. In answer to your question, yes - the seizures can change. My son had one type of seizure at first (lasting 10-15 seconds), then on Tegretol they went away for a year. Then he started having myoclonic seizures (lasting just a second, like mild jerks). So another drug was added. (I later read that the Tegretol often causes myoclonic seizures somehow.) The seizures started to get stronger, sort of whipping his head forward or backward suddenly and he would incur injuries. For a while they would be under control, then start increasing either in frequency or severity, so medicine would be added or changed. After 5 years on Tegretol, it was switched to the "new & improved" version - Trileptal. This one caused him to have dangerous drop seizures. He incurred numerous serious injuries while on this med & he still occasional has the drops even after being off that for a year. So anyway, the seizures can change as your child grows & their brain changes. Also, the medicine they take can change the seizure type. My son has 3 to 5 different kinds of seizures over a month's time. Hope this helps. Good luck to you & your daughter.

Re: New thing happening....need help???

Submitted by My3Kids on Tue, 2006-09-12 - 15:22
Before we knew my son was having seizures, he would wake up in the night screaming and totally terrified. We thought he was having was so scary and we felt bad for him. The next morning he would not remember, and I was still 'shaking' from the experience. He also had some bed-wetting. THis was when he was about 10-11 years old. WE of course later learned these were seizures. He has complex partial - but this (screaming) never happens during the day. Since being on medication he has not had a night seizure at all - at least nothing that we are aware of.

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