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help with son

Wed, 05/03/2006 - 07:50
hi all we are some what new to this my son whos 9 was dinosed in nov 05 . we stated lamictal and did very well on it for about amost 5 mo than came the rash , so then we started the depakote sprinkles . and is doing ok , his havinga lot of control issues now . but my man prob is i see things changing and im not sure if his sz are getting worse . was dion as atypicl absance sz. now im seeing some odd movements with his arms and head . im somewhat scared with this and not sure if im overreacting or not


Re: help with son

Submitted by JulieS on Mon, 2006-05-08 - 21:57
MomJulie our son also is 9, peti mal sz. he has issues at school with test, and foucing on the task at hand. Also on depokote er - he has been on this med for 2yrs good other than it really slows him down. I know how you feel....can't really help much with suggestions - but work with the school/teacher on any issues that comes up. Do not wait for the school to contact you. Good Luck! and contact me any time.

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