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Awareness, concentration, tests and how/where to get help

Tue, 10/22/2019 - 02:39
Where to start, can't be the first to write that! Well, the current issues surround my daughter learning to drive and the hazard test, but are more general. Background. My daughter is 23, had her first seizure when 5 years old and has generalized epilepsy. She has been on drugs ever since and has been about 4 years seizure free. However, this makes her very tired and she finds it hard to concentrate. Although being of at least average intelligence, she has always struggled academically, especially with tests (ok with project or practical work though). She 'seems' to have some autistic traits (OCD, finds reading hard etc) and I read that there might be connections between the 2 conditions, however, her mom has always refused to consider this (stigma maybe). So no diagnosis, although various online tests have suggested she 'might' be on the spectrum, albeit low down. Recently, people have suggested she might have some sort of auditory processing issue. This seems to fit in with what I observe daily, slow to understand instructions, slow to respond and if given multiple things to do, stalls for time, rarely remembers more than 1 or 2 things asked etc. Back to now. She has applied for her driving learners permit, being free of seizures for several years, although this understandably fills us all with dread. She struggled with the theory test, even though she knows the subject, eventually just scraping through after 4 or 5 attempts. However, she is trying to pass the hazards test, where you have to react to perceived or possible dangers on screen. She has failed twice now and based on this and slow responses to unexpected situations we've come across on the road, I fear it's all connected. I'm very concerned. I might be connecting too many dots or making 2+2=5, but I can't help thinking there's some sort of connection with her neurological condition (epilepsy) including the drugs used to control this. Don't know where to even start or how/who to talk to even begin to explain what I'm wanting to happen or what that is. Hoping that (selfishly maybe) this is something familiar to someone else on here and there might be some helpful suggestions of what to do or where to go (feel free to tell me where to go especially after such a drawn out question!) Hope this is the right place and forum to post this, if not please let me know, as I've never reached out before. Thank you.


Hello my name is bruno, also

Submitted by on Thu, 2019-10-31 - 15:01
Hello my name is bruno, also diagnosed with epilepsy since I was 16 and the only drug I have ever taken is keppra but the pills never healed me or anything so I began with another treatment that involves food and taking care of the entire body and after a few months of doing the treatment I can feel the disorder going away and not only recovering but improving on everything as well.Really hope this was useful and I would also like to help with anything.

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