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Absence Seizure...What does it feel like?

Thu, 08/17/2006 - 13:53
Hi all, My 3-1/2 year old has frequent absence seizures a day. However, she is too young to tell me what she is feeling before (and if possible during) the seizure. That is if she feels anything, or maybe it's the "memory loss" part of it. I'm sure everyone has different experiences, but I'd really like to know what she is going through. Anyone have experiences they can share?


Re: Re: Absence Seizure...What does it feel like?

Submitted by d00r on Fri, 2006-08-18 - 15:50
Thanks everyone! I kinda wonder how it affects her...the gaps in time part. It has to be so confusing at times, yet how can you explain to a little child? I'm glad we caught it before she starts school, so we can explain to her teachers, and school bus drivers(missed stops anyone? lol). I really appreciate you sharing your experiences, they definitely make sense. Every bit of info helps. I love this site!

Re: Re: Re: Absence Seizure...What does it feel like?

Submitted by momyo2ac on Fri, 2006-09-08 - 22:24
My daughter is 7 and I sit down and ask her if she feels weird or hears anything and she says no. She has no idea she has just has one. She is started to pick up on things around her and at times realizes she jsut had one because she wanders. So when she is in a different room than she last remembers she plays it off and says "oops I forgot what I came to get" she also picks up when people are around her calling her name. Kids are very smart and they learn to play it off to pretend it did not happen.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Absence Seizure...What does it feel like?

Submitted by spiz on Fri, 2006-09-08 - 23:25
Hello again! Absences for me last a few seconds...or at least that's what it seems to only last. And what occured in that time period is lost to me, I have no knowledge of it whatsoever. I always wait a second to get my bearings on what might of occured while I was 'out' and resume with whatever I need to do. I feel completely alert when it passes and don't even pay attention to them anymore unless I'm being stared at when I come out of one.With them lasting such a short time, they're easy for me to get back into the groove of things. Take care! -Spiz

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