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TLE, newbie

Wed, 06/16/2004 - 16:26
Hi...I'm new!I'm almost 100% certain that I'm having temporal lobe seizures, and have been for about ten years, but never knew what it was before or how to describe it to doctors. I'm hoping to get a diagnosis soon, but in the meantime, I have a few questions that I can't find answers to...1.) If the seizures don't cause that much of an impact on my functioning, should I take medication? I only have "episodes" while running the water to either brush my teeth, wash my hands or take a bath. This can be embarrassing in the ladies' room, but not enough so to warrant taking meds!2.) Is there a chance that the seizures could get worse, or progress into petit mal seizures? Also, I have problems with "myclonic" dreams, where I wake up jerking. Is this related?3.) I have schizophrenia and am about to start medications for it. I'm wondering if I might have problems with taking medication for both conditions, or if there is one medication which treats both?I've got a few weeks before I can ask a dr, and I'm a bit nervous about all of this. I worry that if I take meds for both conditions it might put me at greater risk for tardive dyskenesia or liver problems!If anyone has any suggestions for where to find this info or knows anything, let me know! Thanks!Tonya


RE: TLE, newbie

Submitted by mexican_fire on Wed, 2004-06-16 - 16:26
IT sounds like you are having seizures.I have TLE and have simple partial seizures where I smell urine and dust, and it only stops me for a few seconds until it assed, but it does not impair me at all.I also have myoclonic seizures, but they are different than what you are describing. Got to www. efa. com, and go to their answer place and ask them what you want to know, and it will take two weeks for you to get something in the mail.I do it.Good luck.nancy

RE: TLE, newbie

Submitted by mexican_fire on Wed, 2004-06-16 - 16:26
IT sounds like you are having seizures.I have TLE and have simple partial seizures where I smell urine and dust, and it only stops me for a few seconds until it assed, but it does not impair me at all.I also have myoclonic seizures, but they are different than what you are describing. Got to www. efa. com, and go to their answer place and ask them what you want to know, and it will take two weeks for you to get something in the mail.I do it.Good luck.nancy

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