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TLE, newbie

Wed, 06/16/2004 - 16:26
Hi...I'm new!I'm almost 100% certain that I'm having temporal lobe seizures, and have been for about ten years, but never knew what it was before or how to describe it to doctors. I'm hoping to get a diagnosis soon, but in the meantime, I have a few questions that I can't find answers to...1.) If the seizures don't cause that much of an impact on my functioning, should I take medication? I only have "episodes" while running the water to either brush my teeth, wash my hands or take a bath. This can be embarrassing in the ladies' room, but not enough so to warrant taking meds!2.) Is there a chance that the seizures could get worse, or progress into petit mal seizures? Also, I have problems with "myclonic" dreams, where I wake up jerking. Is this related?3.) I have schizophrenia and am about to start medications for it. I'm wondering if I might have problems with taking medication for both conditions, or if there is one medication which treats both?I've got a few weeks before I can ask a dr, and I'm a bit nervous about all of this. I worry that if I take meds for both conditions it might put me at greater risk for tardive dyskenesia or liver problems!If anyone has any suggestions for where to find this info or knows anything, let me know! Thanks!Tonya


RE: TLE, newbie

Submitted by maubast on Wed, 2004-04-14 - 14:47
Thanks for all the input guys...I just wonder if I should really worry about it all that much, because I just cannot afford to see a neuro dr. I'm unemployed and uninsured. I'm hoping for medicaid and SSI due to the schizophrenia, but it could take months. Sometimes I wonder if the risk of drug interactions or the increase in side effects might even be worth treating something that has only been a minor irritation to me!Also, I wonder if my psychiatric doctor might be able to tell if I have TLE, because I've heard it's commonly for schizophrenics to have it? I guess they couldn't diagnose it though.Thanks!

RE: TLE, newbie

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Wed, 2004-04-14 - 16:31
I can appreciate your situation, as mine was somewhat similar before being diagnosed. I had been having what I thought were panic attacks for several years (but they were actually complex-partial seizures). I saw a psychologist for 3 years, trying to figure out what was wrong with me and stop having the darn attacks. I refused to go on antidepressants, as I was very against using meds "needlessly", and I was uninsured. I was working as a waitress, making very little money. My world changed when I woke one night to find paramedics standing in my bedroom, next to my tearful husband. They took me to the hospital, where I learned that I'd had a grand mal seizure. They ran all sorts of tests, kept me there for hours, and promptly scheduled and EEG. I didn't have the money to pay for all of this! I also didn't have much of a choice. I got a call after the EEG and was told the news: I had a seizure disorder. I needed to take meds, take regular blood tests (to check levels as well as liver function), and I made monthly payments of $40 to the county. Of course, my bills were racking up much more quickly...those $40 payments didn't help too much. But, I kept on paying and I kept going to the doctor every couple of months. My husband got a better job after a few years, with excellent benefits, and I switched to a neurologist. A neurologist makes a HUGE difference, compared to a regular doctor (or a psychiatrist)..they may know about seizure disorders, but not extensively. Their specialty is elsewhere.In a way, I was lucky. My diagnosing doc was a resident at the county hospital. She was willing to learn about my condition in order to provide satisfactory care. She also had the resources at her disposal, she came from UCLA medical school.At this point, you don't really "know" that you're having seizures. Certain conditions are known to mimic seizures (and vice-versa), so it's best to let a professional do a couple of tests so you know for sure. Then, you can go from there. I can tell you one thing, if you are having seizures it's not good to let them go on uncontrolled. The more seizures you have, the easier it is to have more seizures. It kind of becomes a speeding train, you have more and more. Good luck to you!Heather

RE: TLE, newbie

Submitted by soroptomist on Tue, 2004-04-13 - 18:47
Hi I'm new to.I've had a look at the articles on here and there are some good ones to read up on.I suggest you have a look around and a good study of what's on offer, and I wish you good luck at getting to the bottom of what you think is wrong.If your neuro is good he will know if your meds are going to interact with your meds and will advise on that when you visit.Interestingly enough,seizure meds do cross into other areas- are used to alleviate the symptoms of what are classed as psychiatric symptoms-and sucessfully,so it sounds promising that you might gain

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