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Wed, 12/04/2019 - 10:58
Hi all, I have been out of work for nearly a year and a half now and its starting to effect me bringing depression on. I have passed 3 interviews for different companies but when filling in medical info I have told the truth and then not been offered the job as the position was filled so they say. I was wondering has anyone experienced this and would I be aswell telling a little lie on medical terms to get back into employment? If so what would be the outcome on myself or would there be any? Thanks alot, Wayne


I have experienced the same,

Submitted by Leigh4791 on Sun, 2020-02-02 - 18:14
I have experienced the same, I was out of work for 6 months. I had to fill out forms over and over again. Medical checks are a big thing now. Turned down job after job. I eventually got so depressed i ended up having a panic attack at my PC. I managed to find a job at a company that understands my seizures are controlled by medication. If i'm safe enough to drive i'm safe enough to work. I've never lied about my condition. If required I included medical notes from my neurologist in my job application stating my annual check ups and tests. I haven't a problem in two years. I work on my client sites where I'm asked to do a medical. 

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