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Wed, 12/04/2019 - 10:58
Hi all, I have been out of work for nearly a year and a half now and its starting to effect me bringing depression on. I have passed 3 interviews for different companies but when filling in medical info I have told the truth and then not been offered the job as the position was filled so they say. I was wondering has anyone experienced this and would I be aswell telling a little lie on medical terms to get back into employment? If so what would be the outcome on myself or would there be any? Thanks alot, Wayne


Even if i say and say there

Submitted by Wayneor92 on Fri, 2019-12-06 - 19:11
Even if i say and say there is no medical conditions? As what would generally happen here in Ireland you would be collected by Ambulance and brought to the closest hospital as alot of people will panic.If so then I would be willing to take that chance ha.Thats good to hear that somebody took the chance to allow you do what you love and like you say it was almost therapeutic at the same time. Thats the situation I find myself in now, at home bored, stressed and admittedly giving up. GP just trying to throw anti-depressants at me when the main reason Im depressed is because Im stuck at home majority of the time whereas if im back in work the mind is taken off things while your there, even if it is only a few hours a day.Wayne

Hello. I have not experienced

Submitted by natalie2152 on Tue, 2019-12-10 - 18:58
Hello. I have not experienced that but I believe that if your seizures are controlled that you can get a job. It also depends on the job that you want. Some places are not safe for people with epilepsy to work because it is a big responsibility on their end. For example, LifeGuarding. A person who has seizures may not get a job as a lifeguard because you can have a seizure, be on duty and someone could be drowning yet you would not be able to save them because you are having a seizure and not know what is happening around you. It really depends though.

I never reveal during

Submitted by Misjoey101 on Fri, 2020-01-24 - 17:47
I never reveal during interviews. I "decline to answer" when I can. If required, I admit to having a medical condition. Once hired, I tell Human Resources as soon as I can. I cannot drive and I cannot work late shifts:those are my limitations. I've realized in the past that when I hide my epilepsy, my employer is either upset once it is revealed or unrealistic expectations arrive(we want you to take the shift until 3am). 

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