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Sleep Apnea and Seizures

Wed, 08/29/2007 - 21:50
My husband has a seizure disorder. He was diagnosed with sleep apnea last year. He tried using the CPAP machine at night and struggled with it and gave up. He was diagnosed as SEVER SLEEP APNEA and suffered from lowered oxygen levels to 73% thru the night because of it. CAN SLEEP APNEA CAUSE HIM TO HAVE SEIZURES? His seizures are form head trauma 18 yrs concern is that is he making his epilepsy more complicated by the fatc that he has severe sleep apnea and refuses to do anything about it. Anyone else out there with sleep apnea and E.?


Re: Sleep Apnea and Seizures

Submitted by banffgirl on Sun, 2007-10-28 - 07:54
not to scare you or anything, but just the facts as i just went thru this. i am only 49 and had a mini stroke oct 3rd,ended up in the er. told my epi spec who i had a appt with the next day, he insisted i see a stroke doctor that work in the neuro clinic. went thru my history, he said first major strike against me is sleep apnea, strike 2 epilepsy, strike 3 my mvp(heart valve thingy)so he ran a batter of tests and my ateries were good, my heart was in great shape except for the valve problem but he said it didnt matter since no chance of clots coming from the heart. now the bad news, he asked if i always used my cpap, i said at night, some time i nap in my chair. he said always nap with cpap too. sleep apnea and epilepsy are together very hard on the brain and to reduce stroke risk it is very important. i had no idea either of those put you on a higher risk for stroke. using a cpap reduces the risk. also i was borderline normal high on cholesterol, so he put me on meds to bring it to low normal to lower my risk more. i hope my expereince helps you help him. let me know if you need any other info. your freind, banffgirl

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