Community Forum Archive

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Im a new person and an adult with epilepsy

Mon, 08/06/2007 - 14:10
I was reading a lot of your discussions deciding whether I even belonged here. Sounds like a lot of you have been living with epilepsy along time. I however have been living with seizures for 5 yrs. but did not get diagnosed until this past December. I have failed a lot of medications already but I'm already a surgery candidate. I have been in and out of hospitals in a short amount of time and people have directed me to websites such as this one for support. I come here and I start to read and it sounds like a free for all. Im truly looking for support not for someone to make fun of me. I truly believe that there are others like me that are looking on this site daily and are probably astounded at what they are reading?


Re: Re: Im a new person and an adult with epilepsy

Submitted by mel2007 on Wed, 2007-08-08 - 22:20
good luck to you-I wish you the best!

Re: Im a new person and an adult with epilepsy

Submitted by zoe49576 on Sat, 2007-08-18 - 13:51
Hi, I have been living with E for 10 years. Diagnosed for 2. And I just got The Surgery put up in front of me. It was scary. I am still in shock. I knew it was going to come to this point a year ago when they were doing the Video EEGs and trying to figure out what medicines to put me on. Well the medicines are kinda controlling the Seizures but they are also putting on weight. In 6 months I have put on 41 pounds. So they are going to reduce my meds to another concoction once again and see if I lose some of the weight and maybe still have some seizure control. I am afraid of the surgery. I have no clue what they are going to do.. I have no clue about anything. Its all new to me. I don't know anything about it. So if you want to talk.. I am here. Leah, Zoe49576

Re: Re: Im a new person and an adult with epilepsy

Submitted by ouize on Sat, 2007-08-18 - 17:09
hey i've added you both to my buddy list. Sounds like you're both experiencing the same as me. Diagnosed recently and debating surgery. Lets chat sometime. I'm louise 24/f from London, Ontario.

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