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Did i have a seizure?

Fri, 05/21/2010 - 16:32
Ok so i'm a 22 year old female. I think I may be having seizures . . . does this sound like one? I'm diagnosed with major depressive disorder along with major anxiety. I've been on a number of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. I'm currently withdrawing from Celexa and transitioning to Zoloft. I was warned of all the normal withdrawal symptoms [anxiety, upset stomach,dizziness, headaches, etc. But something else has happened the last couple of nights. I've had three episodes, all during the night. I was asleep during the night, i woke kind of groggy, then i realized my whole body was shaking [not like cold shivers, but almost convulsions]. I wasn't scared by it, it was a weird de Déjà vu feeling: like it happened before and was normal [even though nothing like this has ever happened]. I continued to shake for what felt like 4-5 minutes [not really sure]. Then I guess i fell back asleep, or at least that's all i remember. I woke the next morning with a headache but fine otherwise. The second and third were pretty much the same except i recall hearing myself moaning or whimpering, and a sense of anxiety. . . and then back to sleep i think. I don't know what to make of it. If anyone can give me any ideas . . . i would greatly appreciate it . . .


Re: Did i have a seizure?

Submitted by allegroismyhorse on Wed, 2010-05-26 - 17:56
It could have been a seizure....  everyone's seizures are different, I never remember mine, but I would definitely talk to your doctor about it.   Good luck and I hope they figure it out!!

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