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Did i have a seizure?

Fri, 05/21/2010 - 16:32
Ok so i'm a 22 year old female. I think I may be having seizures . . . does this sound like one? I'm diagnosed with major depressive disorder along with major anxiety. I've been on a number of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. I'm currently withdrawing from Celexa and transitioning to Zoloft. I was warned of all the normal withdrawal symptoms [anxiety, upset stomach,dizziness, headaches, etc. But something else has happened the last couple of nights. I've had three episodes, all during the night. I was asleep during the night, i woke kind of groggy, then i realized my whole body was shaking [not like cold shivers, but almost convulsions]. I wasn't scared by it, it was a weird de Déjà vu feeling: like it happened before and was normal [even though nothing like this has ever happened]. I continued to shake for what felt like 4-5 minutes [not really sure]. Then I guess i fell back asleep, or at least that's all i remember. I woke the next morning with a headache but fine otherwise. The second and third were pretty much the same except i recall hearing myself moaning or whimpering, and a sense of anxiety. . . and then back to sleep i think. I don't know what to make of it. If anyone can give me any ideas . . . i would greatly appreciate it . . .


Re: Did i have a seizure?

Submitted by amber1981 on Mon, 2010-05-24 - 22:19
I have twitches and jerks all of the time and I was diagnosed with complex-partial seizures. I also have episodes at night which include wetting myself and sometimes jerking, however I don't know that I am jerking but hubby lets me know if I did in the morning. I also have OCD and like I think someone else mentioned, they are finding out that people that are diagnosed with OCD, Bipolar Disorder, etc, are sometimes are linked with epilepsy. What is funny about my situation is that I was diagnosed bipolar about 4 years ago and took meds for no reason because my diagnosis was ultimately taken back and that's when my epilepsy came on FULL FORCE....just coincidence?......I think not! I am 29 and was just diagnosed January 18th of this year....why it took so long to come out is beyond me....although I do remember having auras as long as 4 years ago...again, coincidence?......once again, I think not! So, hang in there and see your doctor asap!

Re: Did i have a seizure?

Submitted by Nerak95 on Tue, 2010-05-25 - 00:25


Just make sure you document this event and symptoms, especially if you had been lying on your arm or side, etc.

Also, I'd call the doctor's office and see if you can get on a cancellation list in case an appointment opens up before your appointment June 1st.



Just make sure you document this event and symptoms, especially if you had been lying on your arm or side, etc.

Also, I'd call the doctor's office and see if you can get on a cancellation list in case an appointment opens up before your appointment June 1st.


Re: Did i have a seizure?

Submitted by kroger04 on Wed, 2010-05-26 - 13:10
So last night i had a seizure during work. [i don't know what kind]. I was just doing my job, and got this really odd feeling . . . like waves of energy in my chest, and my arms and face started tingling. I kept trying to keep working and just ignore it. Next thing i know i'm on the floor, with my boss [bless her heart] trying to get me to respond. I was told i was convulsing, my eyes were in the back of my head, and couldn't respond for almost a minute. I was really out of it when i came too, i wasn't sure of the day and month. I was rushed to ER via ambulance. Then told is was to stay in wheelchair, where i sat for almost 4 hours waiting for a room to open up. My arms continued to tingle for two or so hours. My brain felt slower, my motor skills were not great either. Eventually i was told that i "seemed stable" and that I could go home, and just make an appointment with my Dr. in the morning . . . I was too tired to argue and went home. I've been fine so far. My appointment is at two. I'm very scared.

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