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writing a book

Thu, 02/15/2018 - 23:39
hello everyone i am writing a book and wanted some people to tell me some questions that people want answered or questions you have been asked or anything else to do with epilepsy because i am having a bit of writers block i hope you can help thanks


He was thinking, incidentally

Submitted by Tadzio on Sat, 2018-02-17 - 05:03
He was thinking, incidentally, that there was a moment or two in his epileptic condition almost before the fit itself (if it occurred in waking hours) when suddenly amid the sadness, spiritual darkness and depression, his brain seemed to catch fire at brief moments....His sensation of being alive and his awareness increased tenfold at those moments which flashed by like lightning.  His mind and heart were flooded by a dazzling light. 

I understand what you mean. 

Submitted by birdman on Sat, 2018-02-17 - 10:13
I understand what you mean.  As I talk to people about pursuing brain surgery for my seizures they often seem surprised that I am considering such an extreme treatment for seizures which they have never seen.  I wonder what they are thinking.  Michael collects Social Security Disability Income, doesn't have a job,  and sees a lot of doctors for his epilepsy.  Do they think I am lazy or have a serious psychiatric problem as I worry too much about my epilepsy?But then they are shocked when I cannot remember the party I met them at or the trip we went together on.  I had complex partial seizures which screwed up my memory of past events.  I tell them that I am short tempered because of the medications I take and because of my seizure focus.  They seem oblivious to my feelings.   But when I react aggressively they are surprised.

yes so this book is to try

Submitted by i-want-to-prove-the-world-wrong on Sun, 2018-02-18 - 00:39
yes so this book is to try and get people to undersand a bit more about our day to day life that if they cant see it to them that means youre fine but we are not for example my mum denies that I have epilepsy. and if possible could you reply with some day to day questions people keep asking and what you answer is and your day to day struggles like your wellbeing and just how you feelthank you very much for all your help

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