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Video EEG

Sun, 04/15/2018 - 16:01
Hello everyone, Has anyone here had more than one Video EEG? My first Video EEG was for 3 days and did not capture any abnormal activity-this Video EEG was done at Kaiser in 2015. I was on medication when I had Kaiser coverage...the medication prescribed was Keppra. I felt the Keppra reduced my episodes every month. After the Video EEG was normal, I was taken off the Keppra cold turkey and started having my episodes regularly. Between 8 to 12 per month. Previously, I was diagnosed with Simple Partial Seizures. I now have different medical coverage and the Neurologist referred me to an Epileptologist due to not knowing whether or not I have seizures. I'm told my case is complicated, hence the referral. I'm not on medication at this time. Stress is one of my triggers. It seems I go round and round with this. Honestly, my symptoms feel like I'm having mini strokes, but my body also shakes during these episodes. My brain feels electrified sometimes after an episode and my brain feels foggy-spacey, weakness in my legs and tired. I've been asked to see a therapist due to the difficulties in diagnosing me. Just thought I would reach out to others here to find out how many Video EEGS you have had and your difficulties in being diagnosed. I don't think anyone wants to have Epilepsy, but sometimes the doctors want to blame our symptoms on mental issues. Hmmm! Thank you for your input and responses. Maggie


HI Michael,Thank you for your

Submitted by Maggie55_5aac30a613b52 on Wed, 2018-04-18 - 06:02
HI Michael,Thank you for your response. You have been through quite an ordeal. I hope the RNS works for you. Sometimes medications stop working, I think our system gets used to the meds and we no longer have the therapeutic levels we need to control our condition.  Hang in there.Maggie

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