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EEG said epilepsy

Thu, 09/21/2006 - 21:16
This is all we have. Our 6 year old daughter was ill, fell over backwards, eyes open, for about a minute. We rushed her to the ER, they did blood work (normal), CT scan, normal. Pedi said to be on the safe side, we should do a sleep deprived EEG. I can't tell you how often I nearly called to cancel it. She was sick, spiking fever, she just fainted--that's what I thought. But a good mom checks it out, right? So we went ahead, and when the pedi's office called and said the report said our daughter had epilepsy, I just was in total shock. They couldn't tell us what kind or how severe or anything, just made us an appointment with a pedi neurologist, which is on Monday. I am SCARED! The only thing we can think of that is weird is our daughters' wild nights. She is prone to night terrors, or that's what we thought they were. I'm having a very hard time getting through the days. Our little girl is adopted, and all she needs is something else to make her feel different. I guess everyone thinks why my child, and I'm no different.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Knowledge is power. I am

Submitted by jmccand on Thu, 2006-09-28 - 08:30
Kath, I am so glad you have gotten better answers. My daughter just had a VEEG, and we have found out a lot more. She is having absence and myoclonic seizures. She was seen by an epileptologist, and it is a very different diagnosis from the neurologist. The good news is that her Depakote is controlling her seizures. The bad news is that some of her symptoms that we thought were seizures, are migraines. But hopefully, now we can get that better controlled too. It is good they weren't seizures, but I hate that she has such horrible headaches. I hope things continue to improve with your daughter. Lori

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