Community Forum Archive

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It's not a seizure, it's.........

Mon, 05/01/2006 - 04:59
Ever given an excuse for having a seizure, trying to cover one up or release the tension for those around you after one? Here's a few of mine... 1. My brain has the hiccups (Myoclonics - jerking). 2. Of course I was paying attention the first time you said it...I just want to make sure I heard you right (Absence seizures). 3. Whoops! Moved the chair, huh? (Drop seizures). 4. Now that I have your attention....(Not sure what I did but the whole room is bug-eyed). -Spiz


Re: It's not a seizure, it's.........

Submitted by Seruzies on Sun, 2007-09-09 - 00:58
I had a brain fart.

Re: It's not a seizure, it's.........

Submitted by rikk on Fri, 2009-03-27 - 13:38
hi,  i have a question.  Do brain farts smell good or bad.  they are from the other end.  have a good day.  rikk

Re: It's not a seizure, it's.........

Submitted by jacky99 on Thu, 2007-09-13 - 02:49
your room number is.... your room... it's..... what was i saying? sorry im not awake yet. *insert pathetic laugh while wanting cry in frustration* You say something? (when i get a myoclonic jerk... and it happens to be my head... people look at you crazy when that happens) or my personal favourite... thats my alterate personality trying to get out. geez this street is uneven! (myclonic jerk... and its my leg) oh @#&* (Grand Mal) when life gives you lemons... smell an orange

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