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It's not a seizure, it's.........

Mon, 05/01/2006 - 04:59
Ever given an excuse for having a seizure, trying to cover one up or release the tension for those around you after one? Here's a few of mine... 1. My brain has the hiccups (Myoclonics - jerking). 2. Of course I was paying attention the first time you said it...I just want to make sure I heard you right (Absence seizures). 3. Whoops! Moved the chair, huh? (Drop seizures). 4. Now that I have your attention....(Not sure what I did but the whole room is bug-eyed). -Spiz


Re: It's not a seizure, it's.........

Submitted by juperee on Mon, 2006-05-01 - 10:25
Nice saves! I have learned a few standard remarks for use in otherwise awkward situations. When people tell me in vivid detail about my grand mal ordeal: "Well, thank goodness I wasn't there to see it." When I space out at work while my mechanical engineer counterpart is talking to me: "Oh, were you still talking?" When dismissing the team at work because I'm "partialing": "Now, let's all take a break, as my brain has turned to scrambled eggs." When slightly spastic (sung to the tune of West Side Story's "I feel pretty"):
  • "I feel twitchy
  • Oh so twitchy
  • I feel twitchy and bitchy and vague..."
One of my favorite comebacks (not mine, i admit; I read it somewhere else) that I fortunately have not had to use, is for when someone says "You have epilepsy? But you look fine!", to which you reply: "And you look intelligent. Go figure."
  • "I feel twitchy
  • Oh so twitchy
  • I feel twitchy and bitchy and vague..."
One of my favorite comebacks (not mine, i admit; I read it somewhere else) that I fortunately have not had to use, is for when someone says "You have epilepsy? But you look fine!", to which you reply: "And you look intelligent. Go figure."

LOL! I love your song! May I

Submitted by fzMousie on Mon, 2006-05-01 - 10:31
LOL! I love your song! May I steal that for my livejournal? That just completely made my day :D Do you have the rest of the lyrics worked out, or just the first three lines? ;)

Re: LOL! I love your song! May I

Submitted by juperee on Mon, 2006-05-01 - 11:17
Mousie, Sure feel free to use it where you like. And no, I haven't bothered taking it any further, though it is a worthy cause. Hmmm...have to think about that. Any aspiring lyricists out there? --juperee

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