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preservatives in meats

Mon, 10/15/2007 - 15:59
Has any one heard of the preseratives in meats being a trigger for seziures? Cold cuts are really loaded with the stuff. We had gone to see a Doc. in Hoeophic med and he told us that it takes a day or so for the stuff to get to your brain but when it does the stuff can cause shorts avoid the stuff and all pork products along with any thing that says prosessed on the lable. Dairy products are also a carrier.


Re: preservatives in meats

Submitted by cjmurphy on Tue, 2007-10-16 - 12:27
I read in a book that people that has epilepsy needs to stay away from all animal by products. So I became a vegetarian, and you would not believe how much better I feel. I'm not as sick as I was. Diet drinks are bad also due to the nutrasweet which can cause seizures. cjmurphy

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