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Wed, 11/08/2006 - 21:09

My daughter just started Zonegran last week. When I picked up the information packet it stated not for children under the age of 16. I called the pharmacist and they said it is because children don't sweat as much when they are on this medication and it can cause heat stroke. Is there anyone else whose child is on this medication. We are using it to stop absence seizures. If your child is on this medication what type of seizures is he/she having. Any information is greatly appreciated. I have been dealing with these seizures for the past 15 months. I have not seen any difference no matter what medication she is on. The only thing I know is she started getting side effects from Lamictal once the dosage got up to 200mg twice a day and she was still having at least 30-40 seizures a day. Has anyone done a diet change and noticed a difference?


Re: Zonegran

Submitted by kayakmom on Thu, 2006-11-23 - 19:40
This medication was originally not approved for kids not under age is not tested on kids that does not mean it is not used for kids there is just not data. Your pharmacist did not exactly inform you correctly, however. There is a warning but it is not just for children. The non sweating issue does exist, but that does not mean children WILL NOT do need to be aware and watch for this....ANyone on ZOnegran needs to drink plenty of water.....watched to see if they do not sweat in heat... My children did not have this issue, but I have a friend who has a son who did..... It can be a great med for some and has a LONG Half life which is a positive. Like any seizure medication, it is worth trying, you do not know if you do not try. It did well for a time with my son both times we tried it. I hope you find something that works well! G

Re: Zonegran

Submitted by carter on Fri, 2007-02-02 - 15:04
Hello my son Carter has been on zonegran for about 1 year however he still has breakthrough seizures. He does pretty good on it except for getting mood swings with upping his doses. He also doesnt sweat. so I watch how I dress him even in winter. During the summer I am extra careful. I hope this has helped.

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