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Epilepsy Medicine and Birth Control

Wed, 05/31/2017 - 17:20
I have had Tonic-Clonic and Absence Epilepsy since I was 16 years old, now I'm 28. I have been on Keppra XR and Lamictal XR since I started have my seizures. Now I'm at the point where I have to get a new neurologist and they are saying I need to be put on birth control because I shouldn't have children. I also recently got married to my boyfriend of 7 years and hope to have kids someday soon. I have been told by many neurologists in the past that I can't be put on hormonal birth control because of my epilepsy medicine. My general doctor told me I can take hormonal birth control with my medicine. I am just wondering if anyone else has ran into this problem and if so which birth control worked for you and did you have any problems with a pregnancy while taking Keppra XR and Lamictal XR. Thank you


I’m guessing your doctor is

Submitted by Trillian on Sat, 2017-09-30 - 22:46
I’m guessing your doctor is male because that’s rubbish! Definitely don’t take an oestrogen based one if you do, taken progesterin based ones. Keppra is also one of the sages when pregnant. Some neurologist are idiots!

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