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Switching from Depakote to Topamax? opinions pleaseee!

Tue, 10/13/2009 - 23:05
hey, i am 14 years old and have had seizures for 3 years now. the first year i was put on kepra, that made me very moody and emotinal. it also didn't stop the seizures. they then switched me to depakote. that is what i am on now. Neither medications worked out too well for me. the depakote made me gain weight like crazy. Like almost 70 pounds. but it kept me less moody. My doctor wants to switch me to Topamax. She said it makes me lose weight, but my grades might slip because it messes up your thought. AHH! help! i dont know what to do. please give me your opinions.


Re: Switching from Depakote to Topamax? opinions pleaseee!

Submitted by lisacollins1997 on Sun, 2009-11-01 - 13:38
My son started on Keppra. It made him very aggressive and even more hyperactive than usual. It was the wrong med for his type of seizures. Eventually, they added Topamax, which helped with the aggression and hyperactivity. Now he's on Topamax and Depakote. He's gained about 12 lbs in 6 weeks on Depakote. The Topamax does mess up your cognitive thinking and reasoning skills. Our son has no short term memory and math is so hard for him. Fortunately, I homeschool him, so we are able to work at his skill level and pace. Public school may be harder. We are going to ask our doc about weening him off of it at our next appt. Just try it and if the side effects are too severe, there are plenty of other options. Praying for you...

Re: Switching from Depakote to Topamax? opinions pleaseee!

Submitted by jubatum on Tue, 2009-11-03 - 22:42

 Losacollin1997 -> I had to comment on your post! i'm an epileptic, in university taking education.  I'm on this website often for personal research, My doc wants me to switch to topamax soon.

 Point here is i'm doing a paper on homeschooling (for it) I hope you read this soon.

I wish i had been homeschooled when I was going through meds like i went through shirts!

does your sons cognitive ability get worse shortly after his dose? I find i'm bad at around 10am on dilantin.

lookin for some info for both topamax and homeschoolin stuff

 Losacollin1997 -> I had to comment on your post! i'm an epileptic, in university taking education.  I'm on this website often for personal research, My doc wants me to switch to topamax soon.

 Point here is i'm doing a paper on homeschooling (for it) I hope you read this soon.

I wish i had been homeschooled when I was going through meds like i went through shirts!

does your sons cognitive ability get worse shortly after his dose? I find i'm bad at around 10am on dilantin.

lookin for some info for both topamax and homeschoolin stuff

Re: Switching from Depakote to Topamax? opinions pleaseee!

Submitted by lisacollins1997 on Wed, 2009-11-04 - 09:40
His congnitive thinking is terrible, and yes, it's usually worse around the time his meds are kicking in. Because we are homeschooling, we decide which order his curriculum goes. I've noticed that he does fine with his work if we do social studies, science, and vocabulary subjects first. We usually have to wait for math until later in the day. There are some days when we aren't able to do math at all because you can tell he's just not getting it that day. We have an appt with his Neurologist in Dec and are hoping to decrease his dosage of Topamax. Good luck with your meds and your paper.

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