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School and Epilepsy

Mon, 03/14/2011 - 18:10
So, I'm 17 and in the 11th grade. I was diagnosed last semester but never told my teachers or anything. I ended up failing 3 classes last semester because I just cannot stay awake or remember the material. It seems like because I have less than 3 months left it would be pointless to tell them now because I'm already failing 4 classes. My guidance counselors like to tell me I'm lazy and need to actually try but I really do. With no chance of passing this year, is it even worth telling them? It feels like I'd be pulling the pity card. Your thoughts?


Re: School and Epilepsy

Submitted by justroses57 on Thu, 2011-04-21 - 15:24

Here is a simple answer to your simple question: tell them

Here is a simple answer to your simple question: tell them

Re: School and Epilepsy

Submitted by pikachucries on Wed, 2011-05-18 - 03:36
The first time I got epilepsy, I was freaked out, and I didn't want to seem pathetic with the teachers' sympathy. But, then, I told. For a while, they looked at me like I was a hurt puppy, but then they stopped. They saw that just because I was diagnosed with epilepsy, didn't mean I would change my personality. I was a clown, and still am. And, telling the teachers that you have a problem like that is important. My teachers thought I was being an irresponsible fool by coming late, missing morning classes, and failing to pay attention sometimes. But, it was only seizures. :$ When I told them, we dealt with it together. They know that i h am epileptic, and the seizures are something I can not control. Even thought so far, I've been late numerous times, and missed so many classes, with the help of the teachers, I was able to maintain a 90 average. AWW YEEE. You know what the best part was? My guidance counselor was so inconsiderate; she'd always tell me how stupid and irresponsible I was. When i told her I had epilepsy, oh, her face. Her expression was priceless. I was like, YEAH. So, honestly, go tell your teachers. Good luck! 3

Re: School and Epilepsy

Submitted by Tennisplayer15 on Mon, 2011-09-26 - 10:53
I know how you feel. im 16, and the same thing is happening to me. i finally told my guidence counselor and 1 teacher. it seemed to help. trust me, it wouldnt be a pity card. besides, what have u got to lose? you need to pass, and its not your fault! my problem isnt the teachers so much, its my peers. im getting called a retard and everything else. plus i just moved here 5 months ago, and still cant make friends, because my epilepsy is uncontrooled, and they think im a freak. anyways, tell the teachers. it will help. every little bit counts.

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