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Im Scared

Mon, 04/07/2014 - 22:52

One of my best friends just recently had her first grand mal seizure. Before she had only had petit mal ones, she had finally been a little over six months without having any and was able to finally get her license and having to wait a year, but then the grand mal hit. Im so scared for her she had gone so long without anything and then this had to hit. Im scared it could happen again but I don't want it too, but I know it could. I want to help but I don't know how. I've been crying a lot thinking about it. I feel so bad becasue I know how much she's been through with this and a knee injury and know having a grand mal it's just pushing her back even fauther. I know God knows what he's doing but I don't know why this happened to her. 


Just keep being there for her

Submitted by mnkowgirl on Wed, 2014-05-28 - 16:41
Just keep being there for her. I have Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy, which means that I have grand mal seizures and absence or myoclonic seizures. It's really hard to be the person with the epilepsy and I can't tell you what my best friend had to deal with and continues to deal with. But she was just there for me and loved me no matter what. Rising above your epilepsy is tough stuff so give her strength when she has lost her's. Let her vent if she needs to, let her cry if that's what she needs. Tell her how amazing she is for fighting back and how strong she is for getting through this. It'll make her feel better and in the long run, make you feel better. :) Because honestly, we don't feel strong in the middle of this. Yes, God knows what He is doing but sometimes we don't understand or even want to. God created us to display His glory and in our weaknesses He is strong. He is going to do something amazing through both of you if only you let Him! Pray very hard for both of you. Pray for the strength and grace to get through this, pray for the faith to follow Him. And He will give it! :) I'll be praying for you two as well!Megan

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