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Surgery option

Sun, 12/30/2018 - 08:37
My doctor has given me 4 options for surgery for intractable epilepsy. Additional resection, I had prior partial TL resection & will not have another as 1 foci is near hippocampus. This leaves 3 options: VNS,RNS, and laser ablation. He believes all have about a 50% chance of reducing my focal impaired/aware seizures. (I am currently on 5 AEDs.) I would opt for the RNS but I have 4 foci and currently they are only able to treat two with the device, he explained the company plans to release a device which is able to treat 4 areas in the future (seems more sense to wait so I’m not sure why this is being included in the options)-Shelving this option for now. This leaves me with: I know nothing about the laser ablation and have seen little on here? VNS is a possibility but since 90% of my seizures of are focal impaired I’m not sure if this is even feasible? If anyone can give me their experience with focal seizures and laser ablation or VNS it would be greatly appreciated.


Previously they believed mine

Submitted by Jenn0030_5968b3e028e9b on Wed, 2019-01-02 - 10:25
Previously they believed mine started in the right temporal lobe. (Mesial temporal), I assume they are re-evaluating as I have had no changes in my seizures.If you’re referring to the lengthy inpatient EEG, I am on about my 5th as well. I lost count the number of times I have an in-office EEG. I hope you get some answers and plans moving forward with your upcoming EEG. 

Yes, it's another inpatient

Submitted by birdman on Wed, 2019-01-02 - 12:35
Yes, it's another inpatient EEG this one will include the depth electrodes.  Like you I don't know the count of my outpatient EEG's.  I had those done more than 40 years ago.

I have somehow managed to

Submitted by Jenn0030_5968b3e028e9b on Wed, 2019-01-23 - 09:46
I have somehow managed to only have the SEEG once. Very similar to you, I have been having EEGs for 30 years. 

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