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surgery at 40

Tue, 12/07/2004 - 01:55
I was diagnosed with grand mal seizures at the age of 13. I was really scared about the hole situation at hand, i have heard that there are surgerys that can help, but not sure if it is right for me...I have been seizure free for almost 5yrs now. I also found out that the medication that i take causes weight gain and liver damage. If there is anyone out there that has had any of the surgerys that they perform on seizure's can you please write back...... thanks 4 your time


RE: RE: RE: RE: surgery at 40

Submitted by angel_lts on Sun, 2005-05-22 - 14:13
Linda, I agree with you on no meds at all. But I would not ever tell anyone not to take them for it is just safer that way. I take many supplements too... But I want my doc to cut me back on my meds. I hope one day that I wont need them. So you are saying you take not meds for epilepsy at all? How are your seizures and were you ever on them in the past? I am working to cut back in the near future a great deal. best of luck to youLisa

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: surgery at 40

Submitted by Yakota on Mon, 2005-05-23 - 13:03
Lisa. Hi. I hope my brain will work to get this out. I am going to have to scrap today (seizure,) and go back to bed. No. I too would not tell or advise anyone to stop taking their AEDs without first consulting a neuro. In the past I have been on many different AEDs, sometimes three at a time. I also have the vns. It was turned off in Oct. of 04. Depending on what happens with seizure between now and the end of June will determine if I have it turned back on. Plus I am going through menopause which has made my brain have more seizure. It has been almost a year since I had any AEDs. I had the vns on for about a year and a half. It is hard to say if the seizure that I do have is a result of turning it off? But I have a hard time when I consider going back to see a neuro who says my symptoms are in my head. Excuse me but no... dah!!! I have abnormal eegs (looks like status epilepticus,) with blurred vision, a tingling tongue (sort of numb,) and a sensation like I am falling, all at the same time, and have been diagnosed with TLE, partial complex seizure. As a child I had the starring spells and whooper night seizure. And now because I do everything but convulse: Prior to the vns I had full blown clonic-tonic seizure. The doctors are dumbfounded at a loss of what to do to help? If I do decide to go see a physician it will be a specialist at Mayo Clinic. The last neuro I saw lacked in professional knowledge and didn't respect me as his equal (major mistake.) If I knew of a nuero who was trustworthy and knowledgable then I might consider a profession medical oppinon. But when you have lived through what I have it seems best to observe those in the medical field from a far distance. LOL. Anyone else having these symptoms but not experiencing seizure to peak convulsion? I would like to know if anyone else has this same problem? Anyone have the vns on for any length of time, then have it turned off, not take any AEDs, and are experiencing seizure but not to convulsion? As a person with a pee-on medical degree (med asssit) I personally would find my case a challenge. I have yet to find a neuro with my same sentiments. Honestly I don't think I am ready to put my trust into a medical professional again. Treating E with natural supplements and therapies, I seem to be doing alright. At least I don't have the worry of someone making a wrong diagnosis!!! Sorry this is so winded Lisa. Did I answer all of your questions? A good Monday to ya and everybody else out there. Blessings. Linda.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: surgery at 40

Submitted by angel_lts on Sun, 2005-05-29 - 05:36
Linda, Yes you answered my question. Good for you. I am decreasing some of my meds right now. My doctor feels I am doing very well and dont really need so many meds. I will be pushing her further, but she doesnt know it yet. In the past 36 years with epilepsy, this is the first my doctor has said I dont need the meds much anymore. But of course it is the changes I have made in my life.Lisa

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