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Fri, 03/13/2020 - 13:48
I have Nocturnal Seizures and was seizure free 7 years. A month ago I had my first day time seizure. With all the anxiety and lack of sleep I was to the point I was having anxiety attacks that felt almost like a seizure. My Doctor increased my Lamital from 300 to 600 Mg and put me on .5 mil of Clonazepam. I sleep great and felt great for 3 days. We started to reduce the dose and I didnt sleep for 3 days. He increased it to 1.0 mil and I slept like a baby for the last 3 nights with no seizures. Its been almost a month and we are going to start to reduce the dose again. Everything I read about Clonazepam says I will have horrible withdrawals and an increase in very severe seizures for quite sometime. Has anyone gone through something like this and did you experience increased seizures that were more severe. My anxiety is returning thinking about the unknowns of this. If I could have some feedback it would be more than helpful!


Submitted by irangel on Mon, 2020-03-16 - 22:56

I myself seemed to live with

Submitted by Plan-To-Succeed on Wed, 2020-03-18 - 18:16
I myself seemed to live with every type of seizures in the past and the past year I had a psychiatrist seizures Acomb which is a nocturnal seizures and mine listed days But the medications are Lorazepam 0.5 and Esctalopram 20 to 30 mg a day and this is what I do and go threw but I always requested to do med changes until it was right for me and it seemed to take 20 years since I was 9 and I am 37 now this part  of me fells a little more calmed done with the meditations I am taking now for the first time and it might take time and years of you doing med requested change to find the right one to be sleeping perfect and have the cup of coffee and know how time pass threw the day and feel it the right way, and there is no better way of saying it.Good luck!

Reduce your calcium intake

Submitted by irangel on Mon, 2020-03-23 - 00:27
Reduce your calcium intake and tell me what happens.Irma

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