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Sat, 09/15/2018 - 02:28
Hello! My name is Amy. I'm 22 years old, and have never been technologically-inclined. My baby sister (though being 16 makes her "not a baby") encouraged me to post on this blog. I was diagnosed with Epilepsy two days ago. I've had seizures on and off for the past couple of years, and my Mom finally checked me into a hospital to be monitored on an EEG this past week. My neurologist was able to determine that the majority of my seizures happen in my sleep, but I absolutely do have Epilepsy. While my family is loving and supportive, I feel like it'd be helpful to hear others' experiences in regard to this. I graduated from University of Oregon this past Spring and planned to teach English in Thailand this Fall. As you can imagine, those plans have been put on hold. I'm feeling very lost and I would love to talk to anyone who is willing, or is in a similar situation. I feel like my entire life-path has changed; Epilepsy has already kept me from going to teach and from having a job that could help me save up to travel. I look forward to reading about and hearing others' experiences.


Look up trigger in the learn

Submitted by just_joe on Wed, 2018-09-19 - 13:02
Look up trigger in the learn section. Believe me this one site have more information then the libraries I went to after I was diagnosed. Back in the mid 70's the EFA was mainly in one state. Here in Dallas we had the DEA and they helped get doc appointments and even schooling for many people. Carol Cervinca was president and she left to go to Washington and work with the EFA in order to get more people interested in the fight to control epilepsy. It has been a long battle but we have been seeing advancements in technology and more neurologists have been going into specialties. Which helps with other neurological ailments

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