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Do Seizure Types Change

Tue, 03/03/2020 - 14:34
I have had tonic-clonic grand mal seizures for roughly the last 4-5 years. They appear to be brought on by stress. When my life is the most hectic, that's when they strike. Yesterday, after a busy weekend, receiving a Dr. bill for higher than anticipated, and getting a notice that my homeowner insurance was going up, another one hit. I always have an aura before the full seizure and I have a dropper bottle of an herbal supplement given to be by a great naturopath that will stop a seizure at the aura phase if I can get it into my system before it advances on to full on tonic-clonic. I felt the aura and took some of the dropper, but it was toward the end of the bottle so I didn't get a full dose in the dropper before it all went south. I have never had any seizure other than the full on grand mal seizing on the floor while my face turns blue. Yesterday, something different happened. I was walking around, talking to others - but not making much sense. I spoke in real words and sentences, but my words and sentences did not fit into context of the rest of the conversation so my coworkers knew something was off. One coworker very familiar with my situation promptly took me and made me take more dropper medicine - apparently I didn't want to? Anyway, I don't remember anything from the time I felt it coming and took a small dose to the time my coworker got me to take more. My memories start back shortly after taking more dropper medicine. Does that sound like a different type of seizure? Or maybe it just didn't fully develop into the usual grand mal seizure because I had a small amount of dropper meds in my body? It's just different and a new thing to be careful of. Sometimes right after a grand mal seizure my flight response kicks in and I just bolt for the nearest door no matter where I am, but this could be more dangerous if I walk and talk, and appear normal - just don't speak in context of any conversation around me but have no memory of it whatsoever.


My adult son started having

Submitted by Snyderba3 on Sat, 2020-03-21 - 06:54
My adult son started having seizures about 10 years ago at age 27. His seizures have morphed and changed over that time.  Initially he had grand-mal with face turning purple and forceful vomiting afterward; then he was able to stay standing with just arm stiffening and profuse drooling, occasionally waking in the night in a zombie like trance walking and drooling.  He continues to have the walking, drooling, arm stiffening type but with more of the waking up in the night type lately. I just want to mention that his postictal state can be very aggressive or very comical, not sure what makes it one or the other.  He takes lamictal, dilantin and keppra. I worry constantly that he will wander out the door when I am at work at night.  He has done that before postictally. He never remembers any of what happens except that he felt funny (aura).

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