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Dr. Oz Show - Monday, Feb 15th

Sun, 02/14/2010 - 01:02

My hunch was correct.

Everyone, earlier today (Saturday, February 13, 2010) while watching the Fox Channel there was a highlight of what will be shown next week (Feb 15 thru 19, 2010), on the Dr. Oz show. The overall highlight lasted roughly 30 seconds, and what definitely caught my attention was a less than one second part of that highlight. With the help of my Windows XP Media Center computer, I checked to see what the topics would be about on the Dr. Oz show for next week, and sure enough, with what I saw in that highlight today, my hunch was correct.

This coming Monday morning, February 15, 2010, on the Fox Channel, one of the topics that's going to be discussed on the Dr. Oz Show is going to be "Seizures". I went directly to the Dr. Oz website, which is located at , found the section titled "NEXT WEEK ON DR. OZ", clicked on the tab for Monday, and it went to a website where you can watch the video highlight. In that video highlight, it appears the topic pertaining to seizures is titled "WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO?". While standing in front of a movable wall of curtains, Dr. Oz says to a lady "'ve got 30 seconds. Ready...set...go". The wall of curtains are quickly moved to one side, and on the floor is a lady laying on her right side, acting as if she is having a tonic clonic seizure (grand mal is the old name for this type of seizure). Here's the website address that came up to watch that video highlight... .

I have no idea when the recorded video about seizures will become available on the Dr. Oz website for people to watch it, but I'm pretty sure the video will remain on that website for just 7 days. Maybe someone who maintains this website of can contact someone from the Dr. Oz show, to see if that video about seizures can be added to this website. People who will be watching that video are going to learn the truth about providing assistance for people who have seizures.

For those of you who are a member of the website, I'd like to ask you to do something please. On the home page of there is a section along the right-hand side of the page, titled "Look Who's Talking". And directly below that is the listing for "Latest" topic threads. Whenever a member adds a comment (post a reply) to any of the discussions (topic threads), and then sumbits it, the title of a discussion will soon be moved up to the top of that "Latest" list. So what I would like to ask all of the members of this website to do after reading this, is to post a comment on this discussion, even if it's just the word "BUMP", in order to keep the title of this discussion in that "Latest" list. Doing this will increase the opportunities for other people to become aware of this discussion.

Let's just hope the upcoming video about seizures on the Dr. Oz Show will be a great one.

Bruce. *I'm not a doctor, but the information I share is what I've either learned and or experienced due to having epilepsy myself.


Re: Dr. Oz Show - Monday, Feb 15th

Submitted by Spike. on Sun, 2010-02-14 - 20:08

Thank you tonialpha for posting your reply to get this topic thread bumped up on that "Latest" list.

Bruce. *I'm not a doctor, but the information I share is what I've either learned and or experienced due to having epilepsy myself.

Thank you tonialpha for posting your reply to get this topic thread bumped up on that "Latest" list.

Bruce. *I'm not a doctor, but the information I share is what I've either learned and or experienced due to having epilepsy myself.

Re: Dr. Oz Show - Monday, Feb 15th

Submitted by Spike. on Sun, 2010-02-14 - 20:31

Sorry about this topic thread not being anywhere near as important as the "Should I leave my epileptic wife?" topic thread.

Maybe this might help get more people interested in wanting to watch the Dr. Oz Show tomorrow. On that video highlight are the words "WHY MEN CHEAT!". So obviously that will another topic dicsussed on tomorrow's show. Now I have a feeling a lot more people are going to be interested in wanting to watch the Dr. Oz Show tomorrow.

Bruce. *I'm not a doctor, but the information I share is what I've either learned and or experienced due to having epilepsy myself.

Sorry about this topic thread not being anywhere near as important as the "Should I leave my epileptic wife?" topic thread.

Maybe this might help get more people interested in wanting to watch the Dr. Oz Show tomorrow. On that video highlight are the words "WHY MEN CHEAT!". So obviously that will another topic dicsussed on tomorrow's show. Now I have a feeling a lot more people are going to be interested in wanting to watch the Dr. Oz Show tomorrow.

Bruce. *I'm not a doctor, but the information I share is what I've either learned and or experienced due to having epilepsy myself.

Re: Dr. Oz Show - Monday, Feb 15th

Submitted by 3Hours2Live on Mon, 2010-02-15 - 23:21
Despite Dr.Oz's guest on why men cheat, my belly-button seems to be of the lower priority of attention.

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