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Keppra, Depakote, Nortriptolene? 7 yr old developmentally disabled w behavior

Tue, 09/12/2006 - 19:00
Hi everyone, My daughter suffers from a seizure disorder, has a severe speech delay, and dishes out some pretty agressive behavior although most of it happens at school. She's been seizure free for about a year but her behavior has increasingly become hostile even towards herself. She spits, bites, scratches, pulls hair, strips her clothes off...She's been tested for Autism which was negative. We're waiting for the results to a FragileX test and her Neurologist wants to replace the very recently added Nortriptolene with Risperdal which sounds scary to me! Is anyone experiencing similar symptoms? Somedays she doesn't even go to school since her behavior is so extreme and apathetic ther. I know that Keppra makes some people agitated and agressive but she's been on it so long, going on three years so I don't know if it would be that but I'm considering ruling it out by removing it. She's always been a little short and head-strong but this is crazy! Anything sets her off. Sometimes she walks into her classroom and as soon as I turn my back she starts throwing blows at her teacher, right after kissing me good-bye. Anyone?


Re: Keppra, Depakote, Nortriptolene? 7 yr old developmentally d

Submitted by EKlairsmom on Wed, 2006-09-13 - 10:07
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. My daughter is 3 and we also were tested for Autism and she was diagnosed with sensory intergration is very closely linked to autism. Have you ever heard of it? My daughter gets the same way strips her clothes off,pulls hair, just all the around not good some days. We starting notice things all along but when she turned 2 things started really getting out of hand. My daughter is sensitve to lights, sounds ( she can hear high pitches and things we can not) textures whether it be clothes,food, is very difficult at times to know what set her off. But with this disorder her brain cannot input sensory correctly and it makes her very uncomfortable and she can not express why she feels this way so it comes out in pulling hair(usually her own) screaming, hitting...anything it is like she is crawling out of her own skin. We have been in occupational therapy for a little over a year and it has helped so much she has learned some coping tech. that work some and sometimes it does not..we are on a brushing and joint compression routine every 2 hours and we learned that when she is out of controll she needs a vestibular stimulation(swinging, spinning, anything in motion). I know this was long and I hope that it is something you can check in too if you have not already..I had never heard of it till Emily Klair was diagnosed with it. I hate it for her because it is something that she will have to deal with forever..but helping her out the younger she is will help her know how to cope with it better as she gets older. I do not know if this helps at all but know that their is someone out there that is thinking of you and your daughter. Hugs to you both!!! if you would like to know more about it e-mail me and I will give you all the info and sites we were told about it!!! Emily Klair's mom....Kari

Re: Keppra, Depakote, Nortriptolene? 7 yr old developmentally d

Submitted by DJsMom on Wed, 2006-09-20 - 20:42
We had behaviour problems with the Keppra - my son has not taken any of the others you mentioned. But we tried 2 seperate times to give him Keppra for his seizures and both time we had major problems (He is normally very sweet, but he bit 2 kids at school on 2 different days & drew blood!). The doctor had told us to give him vitamin B6 to help with the agitation, but I do not know if it helped much as he spends half his time with his father and I know his father was not giving him the B6, so it was not in his system consistently. You might want to try that.

Re: Keppra, Depakote, Nortriptolene? 7 yr old developmentally d

Submitted by Hope for Grace on Wed, 2006-09-27 - 19:43
Hi, My daughter is 4 1/2 and is on Trileptal and Keppra (Keppra for 1 month and we are taking her off), due to anger and agitation. She too bites and hits since she started the Keppra. Grace also has Severe Oral/Motor Apraxia (speech delay). She seems to be an angel at school, but as soon as we walk out of school she becomes very angry. Getting ready for school is a very difficult and some mornings its not worth the fight to send her. We can help the situation by holding her and rubbing her, but we don't want her to think this behavior is acceptable. Grace has Partial Complex Seizures. I wish you the best and we hope to see a change after we get her off of the KEPPRA! Kim

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