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Panic Disorder

Sat, 09/30/2006 - 09:37
Hello.....I am a 45 year old male, physically active(ie long distance runner, workout, etc) who was diagnosed with panic disorder 15 years at age 30. Prior to the diagnosis I had fainting spells since I was 18......they usually happened 1x per year and were normally associated with either smoking pot or having a few drinks.....but I was never inebriated, just seemed like my system couldnt handle even small dosages of alchohol or pot. I quit smoking/drinking in my early 20s but still had occasional fainting spells.......(one happened on a transatlantic flight to paris....and i did have 1 drink and a cigarette on that flight....I was 27).....Full fledged panic attacks started at age 30 and i started 10 mg prozac and .5 mg klonopin, along with a no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol diet........the panic attacks stopped and so did the annual fainting spell. But over the last 15 years I would go thru periods of relapse and remission , I would come off my low dosage of medications and do fine for a few years annd then the panic disorder would rear its ugly head again if you put me in a stressful flying, party, etc......i would probably have a panic attack and blackout......this happened at a wedding in feb of this year, on a flight to vegas 3 years ago, in a restaurant during a work lunch 6 years ago, in my office 5 years ago, etc etc etc.and I was on medication to treat panic during these blackouts but probably not therapeutic dosages..and all these occured without any alchohol, smoking...etc havent inbibed/smoked in close to 20 years......if I avoid places that cause me to panic, I usually dont blackout....I just have lots of anxiety/panic all day but manage thru it......anyway, back to present day.....went to see a neuropsychiatrist at nyu epilepsy center in new york.....he thinks i have an unusual form of panic disorder with some sort of vagus response........the disorder seems to stem from the temporal lobe.....although he did mention that 20% OF people who present with panic/anxiety have I had a closed mri with epilepsy protocol and it was he wants me to go for a 4 day veeg......i feel like it might be a waste of time.....eventhough I blackout once per year with my panic disorder, I never felt like I was having a seizure ie I dont have auras, no strange smells, etc.....PLUS, if I avoid the stressful places that sometimes cause the panic and then blackouts, they wont happen....SO, should I waste my time with this......I think it might make my panic disorder worse(ie sleep deprivation etc)....and then not get me anywhere....Also, if it were epilepsy, Im not sure I could even handle the drugs prescribed for it....I have a hard time with .25 mg klonopin.....what benefit would I get from knowing?????Thanks and sorry for long response......Also, if anyone can share there experiences with me on the veeg, would appreciate....esp, how do you stay up all night??????


Re: Re: Panic Disorder

Submitted by mhillqt on Sun, 2006-10-01 - 09:45
Yes, if anything, I do think they might be pseudo seizures....I have heard of them...Also, Ive been thru all kinds of therapy and am a long distance runner and work out daily.......lastly, I have tried all the natural stuff and they actually make me more sick than some of the meds.....natural doesnt always mean better.....thanks for your input......michael

Re: Re: Panic Disorder

Submitted by justbearlie on Sun, 2006-10-01 - 13:01
A VEEG = no "biggie deal." It gave my neuro a ton if information on my seizures. I had my VEEG about 2 years ago, and when my neuro first told me he wanted to do it, I admit I was scared to death! But, now looking back on makes me want to laugh. For me it was almost like having a slumber party! It was no big deal. Just laid there. There was nothing to it. Just a longer EEG then normal is all. During mine I got to watch all sorts of movies, eat whatever I wanted, basically do whatever I wanted except for getting out of bed without someone being in the room. That was it. I have tonic clonics, basiclly I am dealing with 4 seperate sz. disorders to put it simply. I take Zonegran, Lamictal, Clonezpan and I have a Vegus Nerve Stimulater implant. I get into stressful situations and do have "panic" and "anxiety" attacks still, but now I don't have to be medicated for them any longer. I have reached the point that I don't have to take medication for them. That is only because I have learned how to "meditate" myself out of them. I am 36 now and have been diagnosed with epilepsy for 28 years. It has taken quite a while for me to get to this point. I think that is because no one ever told me there was another way besides medicating me to get me to "calm" down. Thankfully though now I am able to keep myself from having to take constant medication for them. I try to keep myself out of as many stressful situations as possible, but when I do get into any akward/stressful situations... I do try to "meditate" myself, calm myself out of them, if it doesn't work then I will usually take an ativan and leave the situation as soon as possible. Sometimes able to leave quicker then others. As Erin said, try Yoga or some sort of meditation program. They really do help. You will really be surprised! Just remember: You are not alone,don't ever feel that way! Take Care and God Bless, Marianne

Thanks Marianne....sounds

Submitted by mhillqt on Sun, 2006-10-01 - 16:36
Thanks Marianne....sounds like you developed panic disorder due to your seizures? Im surprised that the anti seizure drugs dont calm you down during panic? Glad you are feeling better.....For some reason, my neuro told me it was a full night of sleep deprivation which doesnt sound pleasant.....maybe he got it wrong?

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