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Hi, I'm new

Tue, 10/17/2006 - 21:26
Hi, I am Nichole, I am 18(19 in dec) and have had E since I was 16. I am on 1200mg of tegretol. I have had both gran mal, and petit mal, and I have my spaced out moments sister has it too (15) we actually both had our first sz. in the same month. My uncle had it so we assume it's hereditary. I have a question, how do you deal with the anxiety? I feel like I'm always afraid i'll have one. does anyone else freak out if someone says your name and touches your shoulder? small things like that scare me, because thats what happens after a sz. I hope to get to know you guys, nichole


Re: Hi, I'm new

Submitted by scorpio on Wed, 2006-10-18 - 06:22
It might help if you try distancing yourself from your epilepsy: give 'it' its own identity whose existence is foreign and not part of you. Resign yourself to, rather than be ruled by, 'it' (- and to hell what other people think about 'it' for that matter). Briellle says that she has the anxiety ''thing'' and does not want ''my epilepsy'' to control her life: she seems to have already made a step in that direction. Having had the condition for fifty odd years I suppose I have become rather thick-skinned about 'it', even if the seizures themselves are still no less frightening. Just some thoughts. Chris

Re: Re: Hi, I'm new

Submitted by Bedge on Wed, 2006-10-18 - 07:03
Thats a really interesting way of looking at it. I tend to think that once i get properly diagnosed, and on meds - i might seek some therapy to help me along my way.

Re: Hi, I'm new

Submitted by Brian Hen on Wed, 2006-10-18 - 07:46
Hi, Nichole life can be hard, after accident I had stress, anxiety, Nervous Breakdown + Epilepsy, Doctor said do exercise to improve health, I played golf with my friend and had grand mal on golf course he said we go home I said no and I beat him, then you start to loose what you thought were freinds, I go swimming and woke up in Hospital I say what wrong Doc he said you drowned and we revived you, had grand mal in swimming pool. I said to myself thats it so I tell Doc put me back in Hospital and give all tests, eg Blood Pressure EEG MRI, In Hospital for 7 days on a monitor and each day they reduce my medercation to cause a seizure, I had a Grand Mal with evidence on the monitor, Neurologist said now you go home and we change your Medercation, Valium and Lamintal, Valium is for Anxiety and Seizures. It was important to go to Hospital, Doctors previously kept trying all types of drugs, I also had Inferior Complex but now I say be happy and enjoy life. All my best to you and your sister for love and happiness.

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