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Thu, 05/09/2019 - 19:26
Guys we are so scared for our 10 year old. He is on trileptal (since age 5) zonegran since age 7. Lately since his last med increase zonegran to 125 mg he has just fallen apart. He is so slow now , he is exhausted all the time. He is so negative abt everything , he has had many many medical tests. He has high function autism so he cant really explain well what he is going through. He says his legs hurt all the time, he has forgotten how to add, round numbers. He repeats negative things all the time in circles. Soon we are just transitioning off of zonegran slowly and increasing trileptal per neuro. Has anyone else felt like after 1-2-3 years that they are lost their mind after extended zonegran use ????


Things havent gotten any

Submitted by Briankut on Sun, 2019-07-14 - 23:20
Things havent gotten any better , they have gotten worse. He is now repeating same 5 phrases 1000s of times a day. We are still on zonegran but added luvox for ocd. Its 3 weeks in on the med and not any better. He has all but disappeared - his mind - he is so obsessed with certain thoughts - he was never this way before age 10 :(

Zonegran worked to control my

Submitted by sunshinedaydream77 on Mon, 2020-01-27 - 12:05
Zonegran worked to control my seizures left side (myoclonic, grand mal, absence), but the side effects were anger, weight loss, depression, anxiety, clenched jaw.  Lamotrogine saved my life, particularly the CADISTA brand. I have very little problems with it, unless I take another suppliers.  Has your neuro suggested lamotrogine at all?

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