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Lamictal joint pain

Mon, 11/17/2014 - 08:50

Hello. I am titrating up on lamictal (and coming off of topamax). I have only taken up to 50 mg. so far (I will begin 100 mg. this morning). I was perfectly fine until I began the 50 mg. last week and my fingers began aching (and the pain increased through the week), my left ankle began hurting when extended, and this morning my left knee is in a little pain. I have researched joint pain with lamictal on the internet a little bit, but it seems like most cases happen when the dosage is much more than 50 mg. Has anyone else had any issues with joint pain on such small mg.? I am about to begin 100 mg. today and I'm a little scared of what's to come! If anyone has had experience with this, does the pain subside eventually? I'm only 27 and I feel like I have arthritis! Thanks so much for any help.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I

Submitted by on Thu, 2020-07-02 - 15:04
I'm so sorry to hear that. I feel the same.dont want to get out of bed due to soreness. After reading all the post,I'm almost convinced this drug is bad.i feel like I'm trading depression for shouldn't be this way.

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