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Keppra XR starting side effects after 4 years

Mon, 05/21/2018 - 10:27
Hi all, This is my first time here. I have been diagnosed with MJE when 14 years old, when living in Brazil. Was medicated with Klonopin 2mg daily. Was seizure free for 20 years. I had only 4 grand tonic clonic seizures during my life. When I got pregnant, they took me off of Klonopin. I was put on Keppra XR 1000mg in 2013 and did very well in the beginning, with no side effects and great seizure control. During my second pregnancy, they doubled the Keppra dosage and had me come back to the regular dosage after delivery ( tapering down). This happened in 2016 and I have been feeling miserable since then. I felt depressed, irritable, emotional, extremely tired, constant sore throats. Doctors thought I had postpartum depression. I did all sorts of blood work and they came back normal. At this time, I am getting cold shivers, exhaustion, muscle weakness, poor concentration. I am wondering if any of you guys experienced side effects coming later and getting progressively worse. Any help appreciated. I will see my neurologist on May 29th.


Hi Nique77,  I've been

Submitted by Mr. Déjà vu on Mon, 2018-09-24 - 11:19
Hi Nique77,  I've been wondering the same thing about my Lamotrigine.  I've always been a fairly high person but over the last several months I've noticed that going down a lot and I'm wondering if the pills aren't doing something to me?  I've had a couple of days where I've only taken one pill instead of my normal two and it seems that I was much more like my normal old self on those days.  So now I wonder what issues the pills might be creating???  

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