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I Have Epilepsy

Sat, 07/26/2008 - 20:11
Enough said.


Re: Epilepsy

Submitted by tcameron on Sun, 2013-10-13 - 20:27
I'm seeing an epileptologist, who recommended that I have a L temporal lobectomy. I'm terrified; but also of NOT having it. Our brains make electrical 'pathways' with each seiz, which makes it easier to have more and makes the epilepsy worse. The brain damage isn't only caused by seizures, but also from several concussions I've experienced w/ my drop attacks. It took several years to finally convince myself to wear a helmet. Now I'm afraid I'll get early dementia. I don't know if the continued seizures are more damaging to the brain than the lobectomy. If it was a R lobectomy, I'd have it w/ no questions asked. A L lobectomy is much more dangerous, which why I'm terrified. Which is going to damage my brain more? Continued uncontrolled drop seiz. (now w/ a helmet) or a L temporal lobectomy?

Re: I Have Epilepsy

Submitted by butterfly17 on Mon, 2013-09-30 - 19:12
I have had epilepsy since I was 13 month old, now I am 35 as years, have gone by my condition has changed.I totally understand how unhappy you are! I lived with it a l long time. Now in my 30's I have learned to exepct it for what it is. What annoys me is that people freezze, when you say the words "I have epilepsy." YOU WILL PULL THROUGH THIS I PROMIES U

Re: I Have Epilepsy

Submitted by just_joe on Mon, 2013-10-07 - 22:20

So welcome to the club. Understand you have limits. I too have epilepsy but I also can dream many of those dreams have been changed from time to time. You see I too hate some of the things but you also need to understand that there are a loy of thing that are completely different now.

I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 1963 I had seizures from the year before. I have been delaing with seizures for over 50 years. Deal with it and live with it. When I was diagnosed people with epilepsy were still being put in homes away from the public. In teh 1970's epileptics were still not given marriage liscenses in some states.

If you are 35 or younger you do not know nor would you care to even think about much of what we went thru.

Deal with the issue before you. But don't stop dreaming. My dreams changed as do roads which have been expanded then changed into highways. I was and have always liked working with my hands. Oh well I could.t take shop. So I did something other junior couldn't do. I could take a motor apart snd put it together on paper of in my drive. I also loverd cooking and was being trained to be a roving chef. I got too hot too fast and had to quit working period for 6 months. I still cook and have family members calling me for recipes now and tehm. SO you see dreams have to change now and then.

Deal with it and go on


So welcome to the club. Understand you have limits. I too have epilepsy but I also can dream many of those dreams have been changed from time to time. You see I too hate some of the things but you also need to understand that there are a loy of thing that are completely different now.

I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 1963 I had seizures from the year before. I have been delaing with seizures for over 50 years. Deal with it and live with it. When I was diagnosed people with epilepsy were still being put in homes away from the public. In teh 1970's epileptics were still not given marriage liscenses in some states.

If you are 35 or younger you do not know nor would you care to even think about much of what we went thru.

Deal with the issue before you. But don't stop dreaming. My dreams changed as do roads which have been expanded then changed into highways. I was and have always liked working with my hands. Oh well I could.t take shop. So I did something other junior couldn't do. I could take a motor apart snd put it together on paper of in my drive. I also loverd cooking and was being trained to be a roving chef. I got too hot too fast and had to quit working period for 6 months. I still cook and have family members calling me for recipes now and tehm. SO you see dreams have to change now and then.

Deal with it and go on


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