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Dilantin Withdrawal & Depression?

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 17:16

After a stressful 2 months on dilantin, my neurologist has decided it is safe to take me off of it (normal eegs and question as to whether or not I actually had a seizure in the first place).  I'm slowly weaning off, and am down from 300mg to 200mg for almost a week now, but the last 3 days or so have been feeling depressed.  I'm not sure if it's the reduced amount of Dilantin or just the ordeal I've been through or what.  I'm presently on an SSRI for depression which has come and gone for years, but until now I've been fine (although I did suffer greatly from anxiety the last 2 months).

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced depression when coming off of dilantin or knows whether this is a side effect or not.


Re: Dilantin Withdrawal & Depression?

Submitted by kcri5810 on Mon, 2008-09-01 - 04:58

Definitely know how your son feels. Since i developed epilespy 4 years ago (i'm now 22) iv been on and off nearly every type of med there is. i'm currently on dilantin, lamictal, keppra, diazepam and they're considering trying the topamax as well. Going to uni is hard, sometimes i'll sleep til 12 and miss half my classes and obviously the concentration in class and the inability to remember information is frustrating. i used to be the smartset person at high school in my year, i was awarded a very high medal for the state but now i'm happy when i achieve a pass in a subject.

Out of all my medications dilantin seems to be the IQ killer and responsible for my depressive moods and the cause of an unplanned pregnancy and so we have tried to ween me off it several times without luck with the seizures. I recommend if your son is going to head to uni, obviously a long way off,
definitely do a smaller than normal workload,  and from the start go and talk to the dean of the university , he has been my angel when the lecturers are far less than understanding.

good luck to your son 


Definitely know how your son feels. Since i developed epilespy 4 years ago (i'm now 22) iv been on and off nearly every type of med there is. i'm currently on dilantin, lamictal, keppra, diazepam and they're considering trying the topamax as well. Going to uni is hard, sometimes i'll sleep til 12 and miss half my classes and obviously the concentration in class and the inability to remember information is frustrating. i used to be the smartset person at high school in my year, i was awarded a very high medal for the state but now i'm happy when i achieve a pass in a subject.

Out of all my medications dilantin seems to be the IQ killer and responsible for my depressive moods and the cause of an unplanned pregnancy and so we have tried to ween me off it several times without luck with the seizures. I recommend if your son is going to head to uni, obviously a long way off,
definitely do a smaller than normal workload,  and from the start go and talk to the dean of the university , he has been my angel when the lecturers are far less than understanding.

good luck to your son 


Re: Dilantin Withdrawal & Depression?

Submitted by teri smith on Tue, 2009-02-03 - 10:37
marcia, i can on 3 seizure meds How's your son doing? Yes, it does suck!

Re: Dilantin Withdrawal & Depression?

Submitted by monicalynnpera on Wed, 2008-07-16 - 01:04

We're not different, We're fighters.

I recently was placed back on dilantin, and for the last day or so, all I can do is cry, about everything. I don't want to leave the house, I feel useless, they took my license, now they're talking about taking my job as well.

I have spent the last 10 hours feeling so alone and so afraid, degraded, humiliated, and embarassed.

I'm going to see a neurologist in the morning, and hopefully I can get some answers, all I know is I can't sleep, I can't feel anything but depressed//sad. Any advice???????PLEASE

We're not different, We're fighters.

I recently was placed back on dilantin, and for the last day or so, all I can do is cry, about everything. I don't want to leave the house, I feel useless, they took my license, now they're talking about taking my job as well.

I have spent the last 10 hours feeling so alone and so afraid, degraded, humiliated, and embarassed.

I'm going to see a neurologist in the morning, and hopefully I can get some answers, all I know is I can't sleep, I can't feel anything but depressed//sad. Any advice???????PLEASE

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