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Need keppra?

Fri, 04/14/2017 - 20:29
My son 7 year old had only one seizure in January while asleep. He has abnormal awake eeg and abnormal 24 hr eeg. Normal MRI. No other activity although I don't know if he is having anymore in his sleep it was only by accident that I witnessed the one. Neuro is telling me they put kids on keppra now after only one seizure and having abnormal scans. Anyone else in similar situation? I really don't want to put him on it thank you


Hi. My daughter was diagnosed

Submitted by Julia0730 on Sat, 2017-05-20 - 23:56
Hi. My daughter was diagnosed at 7 after I witnessed a mild partial facial awareness seizure. 24 hour eeg and MRI showed spikes from left temporal lobe which showed smallish in MRI. She was put on keppra. I wanted her on the smalles dose possible. That worked but as soon as she went through a minor growth spurt she started having the partial awareness episodes again. We came home today from 24 hr eeg and there were minor spikes from the same area. I will continue her on the keppra 600 ml 2x per day with 1 carbatrol pill 2x a day and see if that gets her seizure free. I didn't want to accept that my bright beautiful and amazing daughter could possibly have a condition like this. But if your sons eeg's are abnormal I urge you to work with your neuro on treatment and preventative path. Initially her personality was a bit different but that leveled off. My best to you!

Do not feel alone or ashamed

Submitted by HTACCHINI5 on Sat, 2017-06-03 - 00:26
Do not feel alone or ashamed to be questioning. I was in the same position with my 6 year old.  Her seizures mainly only happened at night and she recovered very quickly.  I was thinking if it wasn't effecting her day to day activities and she was not acting tired due to the night time seizures, why medicate.  Her neurologist explained in great detail why medicating was important (not allowing brain to get accustomed to seizing thus making it easier to seize, and to stop seizures from escalating into more serious grand mal types).  She has been on Keppra for a little over a month now.  Besides intermittent irritability (severe only sometimes), no real other side effects and her seizures have stopped.  We must trust in the physicians and their knowledge to do what's best for our children.  I hope this helps.  Good luck and God Bless!

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