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New guy questions

Wed, 02/11/2015 - 00:43

I am very new to all of this as I was just diagnosed three weeks ago, and I am still a bit overwhelmed. I thought I might present some of my concerns here as I do not seem to be getting a lot of answers from my doctors . I am 41 year old male. I was just diagnosed with cortical dysplasia in my left anterior frontal lobe, which is now causing partial seizures. I was put on keppra immediately which did not work out well. I was back in the ER in two weeks with major rage issues. My meds have been changed and I seem to be doing better mentally but I am still sick all the time. Is this my new normal? Will I have a headache and nausea and fatigue forever ? My new med is depakote. I am not crazy about the side effects that I read about. I have a lot of family history of mental illness including my sister who commited suicide two years ago. With this in mind I am very concerned about how I will react to any med. My overall health is declining since my diagnosis and I would really like to start exercise and vitimans again but I am scared to try plus with the headache nausea and fatigue I don't see it happening. Will I ever have sex again ? Can I go to work? I am freaking out a bit. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


So your diagnosis was 3 weeks

Submitted by just_joe on Wed, 2015-02-11 - 14:19
So your diagnosis was 3 weeks ago. When were you put on keppra? when was the change made?  I ask those questions because it does take time for your body to get used to teh medication which is generally why your neurologist wants to see you in 2-3 months. After about 3-5 weeks of taking the new medication your body has gotten used to it. So changing medications without letting your body get used to it does not help in finding a medication that can and will control your seizures. If you weren't weaned off the keppra and put on the depakote then yo uhave some of both medications in your system. As for exercise or doing things . By all means exercise and other things you have done you should be able to do, I have had epilepsy for 50+ years and I have done a lot of things. Worked in many fields. climbed mountains swam went to the beach. It just takes time to get medication levels set. There are no one size fits all medications to stop seizures. I hope Mereloaded has an answer to your post, Her son participates in several activities at school and skies so sports is no problem. You just have to use some common sense Epilepsy can be controlled   I have lived a full life and intend to live many more years. 50 of the years I have lived have been after being diagnosed with epiilepsy Hope this helps Joe

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