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memory and seizures.

Thu, 01/06/2005 - 15:41

 I've read that a number of people on this site have bad memories. 
Is this a result of seizures or the medication?  I also have NO interest in sex.
This can be frustrating as I am married and it is not all that fair to my husband.
I'm sure anyone else out there who has the same problem knows what I mean.
  The reason I started this question is because I saw a new neurologist a few weeks ago.
I brought up both subjects.  She was of no help at all.  With regard to the sex drive she told me to talk to my family doctor.  Unfortunately my f. doctor is not too great.  She keeps increasing and decreasing my medication and making me very sick.
  As for the memory this neurologist said something about having to see a psychologist (or psychiatrist).  She refused to even discuss it with me.
  So if anyone out there knows more about this subject I would love to hear it.

thanks so much.


RE: memory and seizures.

Submitted by Ragnarz on Sun, 2004-10-31 - 18:55
My understanding is that it can be a mixture of both seizures and the meds plus some other factors. I tend to believe it's more the meds than anything else. The reason being is that I recently changed meds and during the change over process I experienced a recovery in my memory's effiency that I hadn't experienced in a long time. The other factors I mentioned are sleep, stress and diet. Some meds cause a depletion in vitamins and minerals, B vitamins especially, which directly effect the body and mind. Sounds like you need new doctors. But, as far as the sex goes, my wife always says, "All men want to do is ride ya!"

RE: memory and seizures.

Submitted by jennamay on Mon, 2004-11-01 - 11:06

For more information on cognitive problems associated with epilepsy please visit:

For more information on cognitive problems associated with epilepsy please visit:

RE: memory and seizures.

Submitted by gsness on Mon, 2004-11-08 - 14:32
I have to say that my memory has gone to pot; as has my speaking ability (usually correct word recall) and I have problems with confusion. I have TLE with both left and right lobe involvement.My neuro tells me it's both the drugs and the E causing this. I take 1800 mg of Tegretol (a pretty high dose), 1,000 mg of Keppra, and 1 mg of Clonazapam daily; which has not quite controlled my seizures; but I'm doing pretty well. I'm down to about one partial complex or tonic clonic seizure a month. My night seizures still occur about once a week; but they seem to cause less physical damage.The sexual side effects are, unfortunately, not uncommon for both men and women.If possible, you may want to consult another neurologist who has a little more understanding and sensitivity to these matters. I know mine does. Maybe a change in your meds would help, if you're willing to roll those dice.Blessings and good luck!

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