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Is it discrimination?

Fri, 02/15/2019 - 16:10
Hello there, I've never had seizures up until about six-seven months ago and then they started out of nowhere. Still working with my doctor's to get it under control. I've had the same job for about seven years and for the most part the seizures don't interfere to much with my work, except for the week I'm menstruating. Yesterday I got a call from my boss saying I can't come back to work until I'm seizure free and they're forcing me to take an unpaid medical leave. the only way I can come back is if I have a doctor's note proving I'm 100% seizure free My friend thinks it's discrimination. I don't know what to think but I'm devastated. What do you guys think?


I went through a similar

Submitted by Misjoey101 on Thu, 2019-02-28 - 22:47
I went through a similar experience a couple months ago. I had a seizure at a camp and my boss told me I needed to figure out my seizure activity by the time Thanksgiving rolled around. I was told I "wasn't a good fit for the job" the day before Thanksgiving break.(you can make your own verdict) Anyway, I asked the lawyers around me: can they fire me for my seizures? Their response: They can only fire me for my medical condition if it does truly AFFECT/INTERFERE WITH WORK. That is, if I had a learning disorder and couldn't finish any office tasks or my seizures got so bad and frequent in a kitchen that they were dangerous(breaking plates, glasses, and holding knives). My work can't just say: You have epilepsy. We don't like that. You're fired. They could say: You've been having a seizure every day. That's not safe during our surgeries. So, we need to let you go.  

idk if it would be

Submitted by willjer27 on Tue, 2019-04-02 - 06:18
idk if it would be discrimination.  However, if they should need to give paid leave.  If they want a docs note they need to pay you otherwise if i'm not mistaken there is only a certain amount of time they can hold you out.  I'm a lil' byass I do have epilepsy as well.  Someone with epilepsy should not be getting told that they have have to be seizure free its a disability.  Working there for 7 years is incredible with epilepsy at any job.  They need to understand that and are possibly just a "middleman" having to tell you this.  Stay strong you have made it this far!

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