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Helping my family

Mon, 02/05/2018 - 23:08
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 22 years old; it has been really hard for me but I think my family has had more difficulty dealing with it. I think I accepted my diagnosis one and a half years later. However, everyone around me has big issues about how to cope with it, the problem is that it's frustrating for me because they don't like talking about it; and that is precisely what I need. Can anyone tell me how to help them understand it? I don't know how to bring it up without everyone looking away so they don't feel bad for me.


I appreciate you for telling

Submitted by Iocando on Tue, 2018-02-13 - 09:01
I appreciate you for telling me your personal experience. Those things that your son told are exactly the ones that bothers me. I spoke with my brother yesterday and told them that one of the things that can help me the most is that they don't treat me differently. Of course it's not the same as before but what could help me is for them to joke about; in other words, to try to take my mind of the bad things and make me laugh about them instead of being angry or frustrated. I will talk to my parents to, I need their support. The best way to tell them is sharing your experience. Thank you so much

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